The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 875d
Saqib Mannan @SeriousSaq 875d
#slashtag late to the game but finally watched James Acaster’s Netflix specials that @jeffcannata recommended. Absolutely brilliant! I also just watched Acaster’s More recent special Cold Lasagna Hate Myself 1999 and it’s fantastic! Thank you Jeff for the recommendation!
Todd Vaziri @tvaziri 876d
Ed Harris in "The Abyss: Special Edition". Some A+ telephone acting here.
Ryan Laskodi @SirRyanCS 876d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata If you gents are looking for something lighthearted and funny for this spooky season, I cannot recommend any higher the sitcom Ghosts. Both the British original and American remake. British version on HBO Max and American on Paramount #Slashtag
João Amaral 🇺🇦 @joaoamaral 876d
#slashtag BBC Leonardo (2003) for fans of Leonardo da Vinci and Mark Rylance… @jeffcannata
Alex Granados @agranadoster 878d
,@jeffcannata Ok. So I didn’t really do this… communicate with public personalities via Twitter or email. But, I think you should watch After Midnight on Shudder immediately if not sooner. I love @thefilmcastpod and have listened for years. Trust me. You won’t be mad. #slashtag
ben w @__benw__ 879d
#slashtag Jeff (as the only one who checks this hashtag) - check out Welcome to Wrexham (on FX). It’s a documentary about Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds buying a Welsh soccer team and turns out to be a great insight into what a local sports team can mean to a community.
Don Wood @thatdonwood 837d
@__benw__ Just wanted to reenforce this #slashtag for anyone else who is on the fence after Jeff's recommendation. I would strongly disagree with the "Ted Lasso" comparisons and instead double down on the tweet above. Our fellow Americans involved are just our way in to the real story.
#slashtag @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra I think all of you will get something out of the quick 38 min documentary on HBO Max: “38 at the Garden”. Jeremy Lin documentary touching on what Linsanity meant to Asian Americans and reflecting on that time 10 years later.
r🎃b @robcordero 880d
@thefilmcastpod I was wondering if you were going to talk about the Netflix film BLONDE on the show; I wouldn’t say it’s a #slashtag rec (because it’s a difficult movie to get through, let alone to recommend lol) but it’d be interesting to hear y’all’s thoughts on it
Mzerma Amine aka @mzermarts /@1foSEC / @ pleins ;) @MzermaAmine 880d
HoootDoooooooog ! #Slashtag #HotDog Kungs - Clap Your Hands (Clip Officiel) via @YouTube
Highly recommend Deadstream (Shudder) for some fun October watching. Great sendup of streaming culture, some great scares and fun practical effects. Mixes the humor and horror excellently. #slashtag
Marty McPie @marty_mcpie_ 881d
#slashtag Welcome to Wrexham - the real life Ted Lasso . Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds buy a Welsh football team. I feel like @jeffcannata would love it.
Stephenie Magister @StephMagister 881d
@thefilmcastpod @Audioboom Gotta think a fan of Barbarian would also love Dave Franco's 2020 directorial debut The Rental. A welcome and terrifying surprise for AirBnB #slashtag
Cadence Ryan @Cadence6607 882d
qkmapbjy #slashtag
AuntieMame @lmoralescook 885d
#slashtag Hey guys @thefilmcastpod trying to find a movie you recommended some time ago. Foreign language time travel, low budget film, two characters, maybe involving a mirror?
#slashtag THE MUNSTERS (2022) this movie is for precious few people, but I think Jeff is one of them. Very broad and theatrical in its presentation with some of the dumbest/best dad jokes I’ve heard. No plot to speak of, but it’s a fun and goofy movie my kids loved. Great colors
TeenWolfBlitzer @HyperApathy 887d
#slashtag Check out Deadstream. Way more fun than I thought it would be. It’s like Raimi taking down internet culture. On Shudder.
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 887d
#slashtag God’s Creatures is a slow burn @A24 drama set in an Irish fishing town, anchored by a compelling turn by the ever excellent Emily Watson. Supporting actors buoy up characters that are IMO a bit thinly written. Curious what you think @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky
The Sutter Caine Mutiny @TwinPeaksLodger 888d
I watched Vesper (2022) Dir: Kristina Buozyte/ Bruno Samper last night and it immediately slotted into my best films of the year. It was everything I want in science fiction. Great smart world building, beautiful cinematography, and characters that feel lived in. #slashtag
#slashtag Is Avatar (2009) a good movie?
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 889d
Ep. 690 - The Avatar (2009) Episode… via @Audioboom #slashtag
@davechensky @kimrrenfro Have you seen Reign of Fire lately? It takes place in 2020 AD, but instead of the virus, there are dragons that have wiped out the world population. What a bonkers film, complete with a play-acted scene from Empire built into it? #slashtag
🇨🇦 ✍🏽 Johanna Read @TravelEater 891d
I just finished what might be the best TV show ever: The Bureau, about the French secret service (mostly en français, with subtitles). It's not the easiest to find, especially in Canada, but it's on AMC. 50 episodes of perfection. #TheBureau #TVrecommendation #slashtag
Rehan @rkhwaja 891d
@thefilmcastpod My Best Friend's Exorcism - teen exorcism comedy-horror set in the 80s #slashtag
Gary Yarbrough @garysy 891d
I’m sure the amount of recommendations for this will be a deluge, but for good measure: #slashtag @thefilmcastpod @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 892d
#slashtag If you liked Prospect, watch #vesper, a richly imagined post-apocalyptic world made in a lofi scifi manner with a dose of Cronenberg. Doesn’t quite stick the landing but a compelling world I want to see more of. @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata
#slashtag The Innocents (2021) A girl and her autistic sister move to a new town and discover they share an otherworldly connection with a boy and his sister. @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata
Alex Singh @BottomShelfBG 895d
@thefilmcastpod Check out Speak No Evil for a movie about the horror of social politeness #slashtag
Leslie Cserepy @LeslieCserepy 895d
Do NOT miss "Barbarian" while it's in theatres!! A non stop thrill ride. Best to know nothing going in! #slashtag @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky
markramsey ™ @markramsey 896d
Really enjoying this show, worth checking out! #slashtag…
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 896d
Ep. 689 - Don't Worry Darling… via @Audioboom #slashtag
thecrimsoncurse @thecr1msoncurse 895d
@thefilmcastpod @Audioboom How have none of you mentioned Pearl? It’s better than X. Would love to hear even just one of your guy’s thoughts on it! #slashtag
Michael Zhang @mzhangclan 899d
#slashtag @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata you guys have to watch Athena on Netflix. Absolutely incredible. Definitely worth an after dark discussion if not a main review
Carol ™ @cvianazz 899d
sobre o show do Guns N' Roses hoje no @AllianzParque SLASH: PERFEITO COMO SEMPRE AXL ROSE: SE APOSENTE PF #GunsNRoses #GunsNRosesEmSaoPaulo #slashtag #axlrose
Coleman McClung @ColemanMcClung 899d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra Just got out of a showing of the 4k re-release of Avatar and if that movie doesn't deserve cultural relevance, I don't know what does. It very much holds up. #slashtag
Steven @Scigrex 900d
Just saw that Spies in Disguise is now on D+. If you have not watched it, it is a great spy movie for kids that has a great message. Great acting and top notch action. It flew under the radar but I highly recommend it. #slashtag. @jeffcannata, @Devindra, and @davechensky.
Steven Kennick @SKennick 901d
#slashtag Reboot on Hulu. In my opinion, it's off to a very strong start.
Ramah Sakul @RealRamah 901d
#slashtag reboot
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 903d
Eric Webster @ewebster 903d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata This isn’t an award winner, but it’s good enough I’d recommend trying to see it before it’s gone forever. #slashtag…
Dalton Turner @darthjager_ 904d
A PSA that THE EMPTY MAN leaves HBO on September 30th. With no physical release, this gem of a movie will fall further into obscurity. Highly recommend all horror fans to check out this ambitious endeavor for a large studio horror film! One that deserves a proper release!
Gonna keep praising this show as I see no one talking about it and I love it. Fans of raising hope will feel right at home and encapsulates all the early day Covid madness while still being a great comedy. On Freevee. @Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky #slashtag
George (He/Him) @geesum 906d
@Devindra @jeffcannata #slashtag please watch Bad Sisters on Apple TV+. It's like a combination of Big Little Lies and Fargo. So good. Claes Bang (new James Bond 🤔) plays the biggest arsehole ever on TV. You have to watch him to believe it.
maciej🇻🇳 @macyek1 907d
Speak No Evil is made for @jeffcannata #slashtag
#slashtag if you’re a fan of my name is earl and raising hope, Sprung on freevee is by the same creator and really funny.
TechSamurai @techsamurai 909d
@jeffcannata Coherence was great, thanks for discussing it on the podcast. #thefilmcast #slashtag @thefilmcastpod
Asim Burney @asimburney 912d
@Devindra @jeffcannata #SlashTag Listening to your Samaritan review, can I suggest the Malayalam super hero movie Minnal Murali streaming on Netflix. It adapts the superhero tropes to a different regional setting in a fresh way
Eric Webster @ewebster 913d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra if you want to see a no kidding disturbing horror movie, check out Barbarian. #slashtag
Bruno Santiago @bruninhogap 915d
Rapaz, Axl Rose infelizmente não consegue mais. O sentimento é de tristeza porque a voz do cara era braba. O tempo chega para todos e o dele já chegou... . . . #GunsNRoses #showdoguns #RockinRio #slashtag