Rob Howard @robhoward79 1666d
#slashtag did this earlier in the year but you guys need to get on gangs of London. Gareth Evans' latest. Was on sky in the UK. Not sure how you get it over there :)
Brian McFall @briansaidthis 1666d
@jeffcannata for your #slashtag records: watch Schitt's Creek.
Nico Sseron @NicoSseron 1666d
#slashtag The Wolf's Call on Netflix! A French submarine movie about acoustic warfare and a must watch for the /filmcast guys! Is it a dad movie though?
HOST. It’s new. It’s innovative. It’s scary. It’s 56 minutes of pure awesome and there’s plenty to talk about. Please and thank you. @slashfilmcast #slashtag #HOST
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1667d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashwatch !!! LINE OF DUTY on the bbc!! Or was it #slashtag #slashrecomend I don’t know!! Don’t hate me!! 😂😂
David Esposito @Daveesposito 1667d
#slashtag RECTIFY on Netflix
Chris Cowen @ChrisCowenHomes 1668d
#slashtag Once you’re finished binging Grand Designs, check out Australia’s Instant Hotel on Netflix. More reality drama-but scratches that vacationy itch! 2 seasons
Jacob Geller @yacobg42 1668d
@jeffcannata Grand Designs is maybe the best TV recommendation I've got from any podcast, can't believe this wasn't on my radar before. Just perfect comfort viewing. #slashtag
George @geesum 1668d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag has the team caught up on Legion yet? Season 1 - goofy but has one incredible fight sequence that lasts for 3 episodes. Season 2 - Introduces the best villain on TV since Gus Fring. Season 3 - Introduces a girl who's tortured by time travel.
Gary Scott Yarbrough @garysy 1669d
Just slashed Russel Crowe’s Unhinged in theaters here in Thighland. Would be a weird watch at a drive in, where traffic is the villain, but recommend this flick because, well, it’s a new movie #SlashWatch #SlashThis #SlashTag @slashfilmcast
Joseph Hoff @TheRealAndyHoff 1669d
Propaganda - Official Trailer [HD] via @YouTube #slashtag
Joseph Hoff @TheRealAndyHoff 1669d
A Man Named Pearl Trailer via @YouTube #slashtag
Joseph Hoff @TheRealAndyHoff 1669d
Room 237 Official Trailer #1 (2012) - Stanley Kubrick Documentary Movie HD via @YouTube #slashtag
Joseph Hoff @TheRealAndyHoff 1669d
Unseen- Official Trailer via @YouTube #slashtag
Joseph Hoff @TheRealAndyHoff 1669d
Hotel Coolgardie - Trailer via @YouTube #slashtag
Joseph Hoff @TheRealAndyHoff 1669d
Hotel Coolgarde, A Man Named Pearl, Room 237, Unseen and Propaganda are all worth checking out. #slashtag
Listening to the most recent @slashfilmcast eps. and loving it, but: @jeffcannata stop trying to make "DOP" happen... UNLESS it continues to elicit that awkward pause reaction from @davechensky then, by all means, carry on #slashtag #nonstopDOP
Almost Famous Minute @AlmostFamousMin 1670d
Almost Famous, of course. #slashtag @CameronCrowe
Daniel Layman @DanielJLayman 1670d
Man, Dave is in quite the American Pickle with Devindra and Jeff over the Lovecraft Country digital premiere debacle #slashtag @slashfilmcast @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata
Leigh Walant @LeighWalant 1670d
@slashfilmcast @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra Hi guys, I think you would all really enjoy the YouTube original show Wayne. It came out last year - a fun action comedy with a Scott Pilgrim vibe. The first ep is free.… #slashtag
Leigh Walant @LeighWalant 1582d
Hi guys I have to bump this again because Wayne is now on Amazon Prime. I think you will love it. Hope you check it out! #slashtag
#slashtag Hey guys you should review Tenet when it comes out in 2 weeks. Oh wait, that's just here in Australia... oh well.
Echofar / Malachi @colloquialmage 1670d
Dark. It’s 3 seasons and you’re done. Also there is a listener that I think donated twice so you’d watch it. The question isn’t where you’ll watch it...(it’s on Netflix), the question is WHEN #slashtag
Michael Penny @didius_falco 1670d
I’m going to abuse #slashtag this one time to recommend The /FIlmCast episode #579 from 44:54. Keep up the good work guys. Love it.
Joshua Calderhead @Josh_Calderhead 1670d
THE EXPANSE! Now’s the time @davechensky and @jeffcannata! Imagine our current dystopian nightmare extrapolated, but in space! @Devindra is already on the train, so let’s get all y’all! And it’s all on Amazon Prime (as if you didn’t already know)! #slashtag
Future Man on Hulu should be perfect fo you #slashtag
One Shot of the Dead! Please watch it it’s so so good #slashtag
Celine Brown @celiniezucchini 1671d
@slashfilmcast Grand Designs seasons 11 & 12 are on Tubi TV and 13 & 14 are on Roku Channel with commercials of course. #slashtag
Chris Gibson @chris09q5 1671d
I know @jeffcannata is always looking for something uplifting to watch with the wife. I’ve got to recommend Love On The Spectrum on Netflix. I guarantee you fall in love with Micheal in the first 5 minutes. #slashtag @Devindra @davechensky
i am tired @IAmJhil 1671d
@slashfilmcast crew, I know it’s along way out, but I’m gonna throw a request for Die Hard 1 and/or 2 for December #slashtag
#slashtag Dave Made a Maze
Rafael Torres @rafitorres 1671d
.@slashfilmcast Check out Netflix's 'Kingdom', a Korean period horror/thriller show. Yes it's zombies, but the writing is phenomenal and transcends the genre. Stunning in 4k. A crime that Netflix basically hides it in the US (search for it!) #slashtag
Tom DeFreytas @TDefreytas 1671d
Since I don't really have followers I'll use #slashtag to praise Stath Lets Flats on HBO Max bc it's the best awkward comedy, cringe comedy, weird British comedy I've seen in a long time
Mike Tyson's Pigeon @TysonPigeon 1671d
Gotta do The Watchmen tv show. Or at the very least, the origin story bottle episode! #slashtag
FilmApothecary @FilmApothecary 1671d
#slashtag Great BBC 6-episode series Noughts + Crosses.
Mitch Punpayuk @MitchipediaGEM 1671d
Ok @slashfilmcast, you all should check out Warrior on @Cinemax before season 2 starts in October. It's Deadwood plus martial arts. I think @davechensky @jeffcannata & @Devindra will all find something enjoyable in it. #slashtag…
Daniel Shaw @DanboShaw 1671d
@MitchipediaGEM @slashfilmcast @Cinemax @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra I'll second this. Asides from being good action, it's a masterclass in how to handle the language problem when American viewers hate subs but you want to tell the story from the viewpoint of Chinese Americans. #slashtag
Lama G_______ 🤘👁️🤘 @UnsweetKarma 1671d
*sigh* I know this film is 4 years old, but it finally made it to iTunes last year. Pasolini (2014), dir. Abel Ferrara Take note, @jeffcannata, @davechensky, @Devindra #slashwatch #slashtag
Matt Varosky @mattvarosky 1671d
@slashfilmcast All right guys, did I somehow miss you talking about The Outpost in the last month? Rec for obv. reasons. Or maybe an ep reviewing the essentials of kids’ TV for David? (Congrats!) #slashtag
Caleb Crosby @crosby_caleb 1672d
@slashfilmcast @jeffcannata YouTube has seasons upon seasons of not only the British Grand Designs, but the NZ and Aussie ones too. Faves are Glass House episode and Beach House episode, S20 Grand Designs NZ (the thumbnails aren’t of the House so you don’t get spoiled) #slashtag
Carlos Cuauhtemoc Martinez @CuauhtemocMtz 1672d
#slashtag finished in about a day. They visit interesting places and hosts are very respectful and interested in learning. You may enjoy it @slashfilmcast
Vactor @Vactor 1672d
I wanna hear @jeffcannata’s thoughts on The Umbrella Academy TV show vs the comic #slashtag
☠️ Coup de Grâce ☠️ @thegracekramer 1672d
#slashtag I think both devindra and Jeff would appreciate Dark, which has the most airtight time travel plot I’ve ever witnessed (also the best kid-casting)
For your housing restoration kick @jeffcannata Plus, because it’s set in Oz, it acts as a travel show too #slashtag
Gabriel Rosado @GabrielRosado7 1672d
#slashtag Highly recommend you watch Mr Robot. Just caught up with it and its truly a masterpiece.
pascal naue @PNaue 1672d
@jeffcannata #slashtag I do have a fine but quite nerdy piece of comfort watching for you. Its called “Fake or Fortune?” by the BBC. Basically a team of two art experts trying to authenticate pices of art by scientific methods and detective work... Unfortunately only on youtube..
(Not Really) Nate @Nate_Summers_X 1672d
#slashtag Review Host instead of that silly Netflix movie next week.
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝗛𝕖𝕝𝕝 @scentedmeat 1672d
You guys are losing it! #slashtag
Eric Webster @ewebster 1672d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata You guys should talk about Firefly. #slashtag
Sharable Tea @SharableTexas 1672d
Dark on Netflix is great #Slashtag
Dianae Of the Night @Dianae173 1672d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag The Umbrella Academy
Caleb Masters @CMastersTalk 1672d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata I know Devindra spoke about it in the before times(January), but have you considered reviewing WEATHERING WITH YOU, recently just released VOD? #slashtag…