Matthew Chachula @Chachzilla 1072d
Outlaws on Amazon Prime Video is really great so far. Definitely worth a look #Slashtag
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 1073d
Linklater’s new movie Apollo 10 1/2 is a nostalgic tone poem memorializing a particular time and place from a particular (child’s) POV. Like a 98-min snippet of Boyhood set completely in Houston/suburbs in the style of Waking Life #slashtag @Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky
Acting Captain Stark @_starktrek_ 1073d
Check out Apollo 10 1/2 on Netflix. A fun animated rumination of childhood during the Apollo missions. #slashtag
Aaron @bpa48 1073d
#slashtag Time Trap (currently on Netflix until April 15th) - an indie sci-fi film about time. Really enjoyed the story, and how things unfolded. Caveats - 1) character lines could have been written better 2) special effects (especially during 3rd act) were on a budget
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1074d
Just watching Timecop (1994) for the first time. I’ve always heard it was one of the best comic movies from the 90s and after watching I have to say I agree. #Slashtag
Bill Latronica @Bill_Latronica 1074d
Just finished #Swagger on @AppleTVPlus. How is not the show everyone is talking about?!! It’s so amazing. Brilliant writing, acting, and balling 🏀🏀🏀 #slashtag #hoops
If you want more Kogonada in your life, Pachinko on Apple TV is an easy recommend #slashtag
Troy Kingsbury @Troy_Kingsbury 1076d
I wonder if they will ever do a #Scream Ghostface "Call" via Twitter?The killer wants their story not to be forgotten like the last.Wants the world to watch. No more small town slaughter. #slashtag The killer starts by playing a trivia game that catches the eye of the fandoms...
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 1078d
Ep. 663 - The Lost City (GUEST: Caroline Siede from Role Calling)… via @Audioboom #slashtag
Simon Owens @simonowens 1078d
@jeffcannata I heard you were a Flight of the Navigator fan. Might I suggest this awesome YouTube video about the special effects that went into making the movie? #slashtag
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1079d
Watched the first episode of #HaloTheSeries. It started off shaky but ended strong. I think it has promise. Definitely going to see it through. #Slashtag
Simon Owens @simonowens 1080d
The Netflix movie Windfall is quite good. Nice, tight story, all packed within 90 minutes. #slashtag
Chris Kreie @ckreie 1082d
Borgen on Netflix is a slow burn political/media drama. One of the best shows I've seen in a long time. 3 seasons, with a 4th to drop this spring. #slashtag
Phillip Jackson @philwinkle 1083d
@thefilmcastpod #slashtag so let's talk about VelociPastor... it's so bad it's good. and it's now a full blown franchise?! what?
Elie Nassar @ewnassar 1084d
@Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky @thefilmcastpod #slashtag The @amyschumer show on Hulu called Love and Beth was a wonderful surprise. Started with my wife to check it out and loved it. Sweet, funny, smart and poignant (don't know when was the last time inused poignant!)
folarin, BSc, BSc, MSc, PSM (working on CBAP) @folarin 1084d
#slashtag To the loyal listeners of the Slashfilmcast, the good hosts, Mr. Dave Chen, Mr. Devindra Haardawar & Mr. Jeff Cannata should allow one loyal guest listener to join the Filmcast each month. Just 12 guest loyal listeners a year. Loyal listeners, you what to click. Buy in.
KittyLuvsHorror🐱💀🌱RIP MOM💔 @kittyLuvsHorror 1084d
Thank for the laugh I needed it.🤣🤣😘 #slashtag…
Jason L. Voorhees @JasonLVoorhees 1084d
This made me laugh so hard maggots shot out of my eye holes. #stalkward #slashtag
Chris Cowen @ChrisCowenAZ 1084d
@Devindra #slashtag I’m assuming you’ve already seen it, but A walk among the Tombstones just got added to Netflix. I think it’s Liam Neeson’s best movie and it’s such a good modern noir detective thriller- bonus an awesome David Harbour cameo. Underrated.
Eric Webster @ewebster 1084d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata I realize the chances of you seeing X is slim, but I’m recommending it anyway. Ti West *nails* the 70’s horror movie aesthetic and uses a great cast to provide the boobs and blood the horror crowd is looking for, with themes to boot. #slashtag
The Hollywood Reporter @THR 1084d
HBO Max’s ‘Starstruck’ Season 2: TV Review…
JoeJoeVelez @JoeJoVelez 1086d
@davechensky have you watched No Exit yet? If not, your missing out on an opportunity for one of your very specific Letterboxd lists between this and Kimi. #slashtag
#slashtag Ascension is a documentary about Chinese workers from those in poverty to prosperity with little to no narration. Grade A Cinematography as well. Oscar nom'd this year and rightly so:…
fauXhip @fauxhip 1087d
THE BOYS PRESENTS: DIABOLICAL. (Prime Video). Something for Dave, Devindra, and Jeff in this one. I strongly recommend watching in order. And Jeff, don’t find out who wrote them until the episode tells you. (Episode 7 👌) #slashtag
L'Carpetron @Dookmarriot 1087d
Check out #Minx on @hbomax! It's terrific! Love the cast, especially one of the funniest comedic actresses, Jessica Lowe (@MegaLoweManiac). But brace yourself for lots of full-frontal male nudity. Dong City. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) #minxonmax #slashtag
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 1087d
@davechensky We know the recommendation of @Devindra means nothing to you, so maybe the family photos in Halt & Catch Fire that are better than those of The Adam Project will convince you to watch it. #slashtag @jeffcannata
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1087d
Sometimes it feels like my wife and I are the only people in the world who watch #Titans because I don’t hear or see anyone else talking about it. It’s not the greatest but we like it and it’s got a really great portrayal of Nightwing, one of the best DC heroes. #Slashtag
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1087d
@thefilmcastpod "Please Hold," @TheAcademy nominated (likely winner?) short film (live action) is on @hbomax. 18 minutes and quite good! #Slashtag #Oscars #AcademyAwards #ShortFilm
@thefilmcastpod Watch DMZ, guys—an already amazing BKV comic now with the considerable weight of Rosario, Bratt, and Duvernay thrown behind it. Hugely impressed so far. #slashtag
#slashtag Jeff watch LegoMasters Australia, much better than the UK and US versions , tip - season 2 is better than season 1
Aaron Pinkston @pinkstonaa 1088d
@jeffcannata You will LOVE The Outfit #slashtag
Aaron Pinkston @pinkstonaa 890d
@jeffcannata The Outfit, which is like a perfect Jeff Cannata movie, is now on Amazon Prime #slashtag
Yorick Bleijenberg @YorickB 1089d
X - surprising how 'getting lemonade from an old lady' can be só disturbing and terrifying 😰… #slashtag
Tom Walker @ttwiv 1089d
@jeffcannata I skipped fwd 2mins as instructed, but "Beyond 2 Minutes" was still spoiled. I even skipped to the commercial, and learned too late you were still talking about that movie after. Consider editing in how far to skip when posting the show. Thx. #Slashtag @davechensky
Matt “Still Masking” Murphy @CDMatthewMurphy 1090d
A good bad movie has to be bad in a particular kind of way to be enjoyable. THE WEEKEND AWAY on @netflix is truly terrible, and is uniquely pleasurable in an excruciating sort of way. #slashtag @thefilmcastpod
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 1092d
Transgender Soapbox/Dear Cisters @StephMagister 1091d
@thefilmcastpod @Audioboom It's always hard to say which of the three will be my favorite every year, but Devindra's comments at the beginning on William Hurt and protecting women almost guarantee he'll hold that spot for 2022 <3
Luis Paixao 🏟 @LmcfP 1093d
#slashtag The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon Prime #AmazonPrime
Dave Moore @realdavemoore 1093d
#slashtag I did it. I saw Motorama. I am a changed human. A 90s roadtrip movie starring a kid, Drew Barrymore, Jack Nance, Susan Tyrell, John Diehl, Meatloaf AND Flea? Where has Motorama been my whole life?
Matthew Evan Balz @MatthewEvanBalz 1094d
Summit of the Gods (2021) has incredible emotion and pacing for such an overlooked animated film. Creative use of the medium and hypnotic soundtrack. Highly recommend #Slashtag @Devindra @jeffcannata
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 1095d
#slashtag Lingui is a gorgeously shot, slow burn of a story about a mom & daughter struggling to get an illegal procedure in Chad. Some too convenient plot events, but gr8 performances; fittingly, on Mubi. @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra
Kyle Muir @Crewville96 1095d
Ultrasound, available VoD. Very similar to Upstream Color, made by the guy who made Primer. #SlashTag
Larry Lo @LarryLo13948 1095d
Highly recommend this documentary. It is an excellent look at the man and the persona. #slashtag
Words Fail Me @MountainMike99 1095d
#slashtag How do you do a perfect five minute funny stand up performance centered on your Mother's death ? Watch Maria Bamford here.…
Kyler Geoffroy @kylergee 1096d
This year’s #Oscars animated short film nominees are phenomenal. All five are visual and storytelling works of art. Each one brings something interesting to the table. Highest recommendation. #Slashtag
Michael Zhang @mzhangclan 1096d
#slashtag Jeen-yuhs the Kanye West documentary series on Netflix is amazing. Even if you guys are not the biggest Kanye fans I highly recommend it as a really fascinating portrait with some amazing archival footage @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky
Transgender Soapbox/Dear Cisters @StephMagister 1096d
Book it #slashtag Guessing Jeff will take the under at any odds.…
Comic Book Resources @CBR 1096d
Shazam! Fury of the Gods director David F. Sandberg isn't worried about the DCEU film competing with James Cameron's Avatar 2 at the box office.
James Brooks @thejames_brooks 1096d
Hey @thefilmcastpod you guys should try your hand at this game: #Slashtag
Dan Gvozden @dangvozden 1096d
I am giving a strong recommendation of BEYOND THE INFINITE TWO MINUTES to the #SlashTag. But the caveat is that anyone watching it shouldn’t read a word about it. This is a go in blind and be amazed kind of experience. @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra
@thefilmcastpod not sure if @jeffcannata being a Warriors fan might deter him, but I’d recommend he check out the new Adam McKay HBO show Winning Time about the Showtime Lakers, it’s an exciting show & channels McKay’s Don’t Look Up sensibilities and sense of humor #slashtag
@jeffcannata FRESH was my favorite film at Sundance '22. I think @davechensky really undersells it, especially in not disclosing that it's a "delicious" dark comedy. American Psycho meets Get Out. You can tell Sebastian Stan is having the best time ever in this film. #slashtag
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1097d
We don’t talk enough about this show. Bull Pullman’s career defining performance. The 4th season was excellent. #slashtag