Joshua Johnson @JohnsonJosh 1585d
#SlashTag You guys are going to love ‘The Way I See It’. It’s a documentary from @PeteSouza about his time documenting the Obama administration. You can stream it for free on @peacockTV
Devin Craft @wormsypoo 1585d
@jeffcannata #slashtag "The Fight" is a fantastic doc on hulu following four lawyers from the ACLU fighting cases against the Trump administration
Ray Taylor - @RayTaylor 1585d
Steve Byrne @stevebyrnelive 1586d
We could all use a laugh these days. “The Opening Act” is 82% FRESH w critics and 91% FRESH w audiences. It’s also 4 1/2 stars at Amazon and iTunes. Only $6.99 to rent on streaming VOD. LINK:…
James F. @floreez_ 1586d
@slashfilmcast @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Kingdom is an HBO-caliber show about a family of MMA fighters. Orig. on DIRECTTV, now on Netflix and hopefully many will watch. 3 seasons & a complete story. Great cast, writing, and cinematography. A very good sit. #slashtag
Lodger In The Witchhouse @HarryLimesCat 1586d
Being able to follow some of my favorite film reviewers in one place is half the reason I’m on here. That said may I humbly recommend Wolf of Snow Hollow. A Coen-esque horror mystery on Amazon. Love to hear your thoughts. #slashtag
Writer/Director Bong Joon Ho discusses his genre-defying MEMORIES OF MURDER, now available to own on Digital for the first time:…
I’m a sucker for a good #slash fiction. #slashtag…
Eric steps out of a bulletproof Escalade brown loafer-first, maskless. Mayor Justin Taylor greets him with a kiss, papery lip to papery lip. They embrace. Eric runs one talon down the small of Justin’s back, whimpers “thank you for having me.”
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1586d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata unbelievable what’s happening!! I did not for a minute think the result would be so good!!! It shows good wins over evil.... but enough about “line of duty” on the bbc.............. #slashtag
James F. @floreez_ 1586d
Kingdom is a HBO-caliber show about a family of MMA fighters. was on a defunct DIRECTTV channel. It’s now on Netflix and hopefully many will watch. 3 seasons AND a complete story. Great cast, writing, and cinematography. #slashtag
detroit_librarian @craftabrarian 1587d
#slashtag The Wolf of Snow Hollow. So good , I watched it three times in 24 hours. Can’t wait to see what the filmmaker does next.
Sacha Greif @SachaGreif 1587d
#slashtag Blood of Zeus on Netflix is a pretty good animated series in the vein of Castlevania. Nothing groundbreaking but very watchable if you need something to take your mind off current events.
Jacob Garner @JacobGa09514345 1587d
#slashtag I'd recommend Calm With Horses. I believe it has been released in the US under the title, The Shadow of Violence
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1587d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata I have to recommend “Ghosts” on HBO Max. It’s a BBC series and is hysterical. Imagine something like Haunting of Hill House but if it was a farce. Pure comedy and joy. I can’t recommend it enough. #slashtag
Andy Breivik @IMustMusic 1588d
Gorogoa may be the most beautiful video game ever created. No hyperbole. A short and sweet and extremely creative masterpiece. And Steam has it for half off right now. #slashtag
LuckyDog Podcast @Luckydogpodcast 1588d
#slashtag the last episode of Midnight Gospel, can essentially be watched stand-alone and is the best example of how the show should work. Transcendent storytelling that can only be done through the animation medium. @jeffcannata
LuckyDog Podcast @Luckydogpodcast 1588d
#slashtag Feel good doc, My Octopus Teacher on Netflix was fantastic. Basically a real life Disney movie. Great visuals with a simple story.
Adam Russell @BlackPlastic 1588d
@slashfilmcast would love to hear what you guys make of The Wolf of Snow Hollow... The movie has some problems, but the flaws are almost as interesting at the strengths. #slashtag
Perry Martin @PerryMartin3 1589d
@jeffcannata what is hashtag slashtag that you mentioned.i love the idea for suggestions. #Slashtag Queens Gambit excellent Women power series
Perry Martin @PerryMartin3 1589d
@slashfilmnews #Slashtag I recommend Queens Gambip
Josh Noftz @JoshNoftz 1589d
Thank you, @jeffcannata, for recommending #Dave so adamantly on @slashfilmcast. Wow! One of the best shows I’ve seen in a Long time. . #slashtag works both ways! Who’d have thought?
De Sastre al Desastre @ecualung 1590d
#slashtag can y’all please do The Queen’s Gambit on the podcast? It’s the best thing I’ve seen all year.
MansGh @gh_mans 1590d
I would recommendation “Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb” a documentary about ancient Egypt through the eyes of leading Egyptian experts, a new since all previous documentaries were by foreign archeologist #slashtag
John Terranova @jhnterranova 1590d
Feeling election anxiety? You can still volunteer to work on democratic campaigns across the country today and tomorrow. In my thread below I will list several reputable democratic organizations to text bank/phone bank with. @davechensky, @Devindra, @jeffcannata #slashtag
Vote NO on Prop 22 in CA @Dorgon 1590d
What we thought was going to be History Channel schlock turned out to be nerdy process documentary. Because of this, I can recommend Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb on @netflix to everyone, especially @jeffcannata #slashtag
mark thuneman @mthuneman 1590d
#slashtag "We The Animals" on Netflix. A great coming of age story about thee brothers growing up working class in rural NY. A fantastic performance by Raul Castillo. Hits ya right in the feels!
Monster Matt, Graveyard Smatt @xfloormattx 1591d
Truth Seekers on Amazon Prime is a good sit. #slashtag
👻🐙 @ladydontmind 1591d
#slashtag try out The Wolf of Snow Hollow
serge federico @aldagor 1591d
@jeffcannata #slashtag i guess you really want to watch yet another series about death, the loss of a child, and issues of mental health on the background of a cult-crazed society. “The third day” on HBO max is made for you...
Uncle Enny @theboxsurfer 1591d
. @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata when you have all watched #GangsOfLondon please 🙏🏽 spend some time discussing episode 5! The reasons will become immediately apparent once you've seen it #slashtag
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata If you liked The Babadook, you'll definitely like Pyewacket. Available on Hulu. #slashtag
Ting(汀) is @ Wear your mask and B L M @TingTut 1593d
A great documentary Streaming on Peacock and Amazon #SlashTag…
A Most Beautiful Thing @AMBTfilm 1596d
The film is narrated by @common executive produced by @realgranthill33 @DwyaneWade @9thwonder and directed by Olympian @marymazzio. Based off of @arshaycooper's memoir.
Dear @slashfilmcast , please check out @ambermruffin ‘s new late show on Peacock this weekend! This show is short, sweet, and funnier than any other late-night show airing right now. New episodes Friday nights! We love it and hope you check it out! #slashtag #WhatToWatch…
amber ruffin @ambermruffin 1599d
The #AmberRuffinShow wants you to know there's an alternative to burdening your buds with questions about things you don't get! 🎶 Hit it! 🎶
Mad Dog Movies @mikeboas 1593d
Immensely enjoyed the quarantine show Staged, about David Tennant and Michael Sheen trying to rehearse a play on Zoom. Streaming on Hulu. #slashtag
it’s your boah @mktthm 1594d
#slashtag @netflix Barbarians (2020). It’s historical drama with the gore level of Game of Thrones but the story and characters development of the first season of HBO’s Rome.
Shana Yang @ShanaYang16 1594d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag Jeff, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Love and Monsters! I think it’s a great movie!
stephen shaffer @stephen_shaffer 1594d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag I cannot recommend enough David Byrne's American Utopia on HBO Max. It is the dose of positivity + reality we need right now. Brilliant piece of concert/theater. @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky…
Eric from Columbus @erichafner89 1594d
Would love to hear some of my favorite podcasts cover @jimmycthatsme ‘s excellent genre film The Wolf of Snow Hollow. @filmspotting @LarsenOnFilm @samvanhallgren @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra @SeanFennessey @akdobbins #slashtag
#slashtag @jeffcannata the 2016 sci-fi/mystery Anti-Matter might be worth a watch if you haven't already seen it. Available free on Tubi
Christopher Mele @MeleChristopher 1595d
#slashtag "Borgen" on Netflix is a political potboiler about Danish government but about so much more: A cross between "West Wing" and "House of Cards" but with so much humanity and people trying to do the right thing. Loved every episode.
socohdi @socohdi 1595d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag would love to hear your thoughts on color out of space
Christopher Vestal @VestalPT 1595d
#slashtag For the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I suggest revisiting "Pieces of April". It's awkward (mostly intentionally) and heartbreaking and has a hostage situation with Sean Hayes and a turkey.
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1595d
Real talk. The only reason I still have a Twitter is so I can recommend stuff to @davechensky @Devindra and @jeffcannata #slashtag
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1595d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Recommendation for a movie on Shudder. It’s called “Haunt” and it’s written and directed by the duo that wrote “A Quiet Place.” About a group of kids that go to an extreme Haunted House and the scares are more real than they think #slashtag
loydcase @loydcase 1596d
The Queen's Gambit on Netflix offers tight writing, superb performances, and you don't need to know a lick of chess to love it. #slashtag
Stephan Roth @adeeqa 1591d
@loydcase Finished #TheQueensGambit last night, and found it very satisfying. Won't give away a minor quibble, so as to keep @jeffcannata #unsullied, but it had nothing to do with the cast or the direction. Anya Taylor-Joy is on top of her game, and it all looks amazing. #slashtag
David and Spencer @DavidAKAButtons 1596d
@jeffcannata #slashtag this isn't new, but there is an incredible and underseen piece of comedy that is right up your alley called The Earliest Show. 6 episodes that are 15 minutes long, all on youtube, starring Lauren Lapkis and Ben Schwartz.