#slashtag hey guys, two fun campy summer horror movies worth a watch: VICIOUS FUN on Shudder (horror film critic stumbles into self-help meeting for serial killers) WEREWOLVES WITHIN on VOD (snowstorm traps town with mysterious creature?)
#slashtag if you’re after a 30min, 6ep series, consider #Creamerie A New Zealand dystopian comedy. It’s set 8yrs after a virus wipes out 99% of men. Think The Handmaid’s Tale but funny.
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1346d
If you are into video games and aren’t watching #MythicQuest, what are you doing with your life? It’s become one of my favourite half hour comedies of all time. #Slashtag
Conor Bresnan @ConorBresnan1 1348d
@jeffcannata I was blown away by 1952's Sudden Fear the other night. It has all the hallmarks of movies you absolutely love. Every tiny little set up is paid off and everyone is smart. I know it's an old one, but I found it as thrilling as anything this decade. #slashtag
Brandon Rich @BrandonRich 1348d
I’m afraid Mythic Quest didn’t stick the landing. But @jeffcannata if you’re after a good half hour comedy and want the cockles of your heart thoroughly warmed, check out #trying. Wonderful cast, season ender was great, & Imelda Staunton plays the best character on TV. #slashtag
BigFatNSmelly @BigFatNSmellyer 1348d
#slashtag I have only watched the first 5 minutes but Crash Pad on Netflix is awesome just because one of the Gleesons is in it.
Benjamin Corless @BenjiCorless 1348d
#slashtag /filmcast listeners I need your help! @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky Jeff mentioned a TV show (not show about the show) where actors did a performance then you saw the behind the scenes performance off the stage. Does anyone know the comedy he was talking about?
Jude Melling 💙 @JCMelon 1348d
For those loving Rose Matafeo in Starstruck on @jeffcannata ‘s recommendation, she’s the best thing about season 9 of Taskmaster, and has a bunch of fun shorts on YouTube #slashtag
Jonathan Lyons BLM @StupixAnimation 1348d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata recommending "The Grizzlies" on Netflix. It looks like a basic underdog sports movie, but it broke me. Tremendous performances from Inuit actors. #slashtag
#slashtag Halfway through Starstruck written/starring Kiwi Rose Matafeo. It’s a sweet, charming and funny series. 6 eps. Fleabag meets Notting Hill
Marc Pitty @marcpitty 1349d
@slashfilmcast For your next half hour quality comedy fix, try Motherland. Not sure where it’s available in the states (BBC) but parents especially will love it #slashtag
Hank Patton @gamei 1350d
#slashtag "Upload" on Amazon Prime! Sci-fi comedy/mystery thing. It's a bit cheesy/goofball but I had a lot of fun with it. It's also only 10 episodes and most are ~25 mins. @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra
Chris Cowen @ChrisCowenHomes 1350d
Just found Angel Heart (1987) on Amazon Prime. Detective story takes place in NY/Louisiana starring Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro. Never heard of it but I got to say it was a pretty good little mystery. #slashtag @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky
@JeffCanatta @Devindra @davechensky after listening to Jeff talk about working moms, you should lookup The Let Down, also on netflix. A brilliant Aussie comedy and 30 minute episodes so meets his current brief. 😊 #slashtag #slashfilm @slashfilm #theletdown @TheLetdownTV
lil individual contributor @debitexpenses 1352d
Tried to see a movie at AMC Pacific Place 11 in Seattle, they’re evacuating the theater due to heat concerns and “screen failure” cc: @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra #slashtag
Benji Black @TepidSharkTake2 1353d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata You should check out the documentary on Wolfgang Puck on Disney+. He has been incredibly successful for decades and yet what you will learn is for all his success, he has a lot of self doubt in himself. Good lesson for the rest of us. #slashtag
Jenna Harper @harper_jenna 1353d
#slashtag @jeffcannata I’m getting behind @Devindra ‘s recommendation for Mythic Quest. Just finished season 1 and loved it! Yes, those stand alone eps are great, but watch the whole thing to fall in love with these characters!
Redos Garbo @GarboRedos 1354d
Hey @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra you know this recommendation is serious when it makes me sign up for twitter.. My dad wrote a porno is the funniest thing ever, give it a try pls #slashtag
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1355d
You guys are watching #Cobrakai right? @slashfilmcast Just started it and it’s incredible. #Slashtag
Devin Hauenstein @HowDevin 1355d
My #slashtag recommendation this time is Trying on AppleTV+. A couple try’s adopting a kid, feel good antics ensue. It seems like Jeff and his wife might enjoy it.
Okrogu Les @OkroguLes 1355d
...@jeffcannata is it true that you've never seen Preacher tv show? Isn't that your favorite comic book ever? You do know it is on Hulu, right? You should watch it and then talk about it on @slashfilmcast. I recommend any fan of the book watch it, especially you! #slashtag
Nahuel Sotelo @nahuelsotelo 1355d
@htranbui @Devindra If you liked Haikyu !! You have to read my favorite manga of all time: Slam Dunk. I still cry with the last game every time (I haven't seen the anime so I can't vouch for it) #slashtag
#NightMurse @TheTrueGeen 1356d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata just spent the past 2 hours 10 minutes watching this funny, sweet rom-com 6 episode series on #HBOMax #SlashTag #Starstruck pic.twitter.com/bzRaHb6Tbm
Gary Yarbrough @garysy 1356d
#Slashtag An fascinating look into how they even managed to do SNL during the pandemic Stories from the Show: A Look Back at SNL Season 46 youtu.be/cZLrDapphAI
#slashtag @Devindra have you ever tried consuming the One Piece manga?
Steven Krimmel @Steven_Krimmel 1357d
@slashfilmcast The Guilty (2018) is on Hulu and is an excellent, tense single location movie. #slashtag
Espen Tangen @Norse 1357d
#slashtag If you guys like ‘Clue’ you should watch ‘Murder by death’(1976). It has an incredible cast; Peter Sellers, Alec Guinness, Maggie Smith, David Niven and many more. A good whodunnit spoof 👍
@jeffcannata mentioned "one man's trash" episode to @davechensky @Devindra and @htranbui and I can whole heartily guarantee that amazing episode, what's even better is that it's all on YouTube! Would be a great afterdark episode too youtu.be/Nwi_kE0gy94 #slashtag
Joshua Kleczka @blazingfoodie 1360d
Been wanting to recommend TurboKid for the longest time. Truly a testament to how much filmmakers can do with a shoestring budget. Plus Michael Ironside in a very memorable performance. #slashtag
@jeffcannata you have to check out Fatherhood on Netflix. It's Kevin Hearts best movie. Had me crying though out the whole thing #slashtag
⭐️ Isabella Brown → Weight Loss Advisor ⭐️ @weightlosstipsp 1361d
@jeffcannata Your refusal to watch Preacher is getting nuts. It's a TV show based on your favorite comic book of ALL TIME. Dying to hear your thoughts on at least S1, and have been for five YEARS now. All eps on Hulu. PLEASE check it out! #slashtag
folarin @folarin 1361d
#slashtag Chad @NasimSnl Chad is about a "14-year-old pubescent Persian boy (Nasim Pedrad) as he navigates his first year of high school on a mission to become popular. youtube.com/watch?v=Yo7KxT…
Ray Taylor - InspiredDisorder.com @RayTaylor 1361d
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND “Wish Dragon” on Netflix. A modern day “Aladin” story set in China. There are moments of the original sprinkled through a fun reimagining. I loved it! #Slashtag
folarin @folarin 1362d
#slashtag Bo Burnam's "Zach Stone is gonna be Famous" from 2013 is so smartly written, loosely acted and still feels like it was made today, not 9 years ago.
Richard Anthony @RichardAOnline 1362d
#slashtag @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky if you haven’t already I think you should check out @cwsupermanlois it’s one of the best interactions of Superman you’ll find. It’s not the typical cw show
Agni Lahiri @agnilahiri 1363d
Inside No.9. Anthology series similar to the Twilight Zone. #slashtag @jeffcannata
Gareth Brooks @G4ZATRON 1356d
@agnilahiri @jeffcannata I've said this before. Think Jeff, especially, would love it.
Movie Emporium @MovieEmporium 1364d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra I have a couple suggestions for #slashtag Noturno which is a powerful war documentary and Gaia which is crazy horror film.
Tom Rammer @tomrammer 1365d
@jeffcannata (specifically) Just catching up on last week’s after dark on all things supernatural. I HIGHLY recommend this Nerd Nite talk on pareidolia (why we see patterns)! youtu.be/kVvMKtXEZSg #slashtag
🌸 Tracey 🌸 @TraceyMmm 1365d
@slashfilmcast It's 10 years old now but if you boys haven't seen the Australian movie "Snowtown" (based on a true story) it's creepy and confronting, sometimes hard to watch. I really think you would like it #slashtag
Jorge Albor @JAlbor 1365d
@Devindra would probably appreciate this film the most, but #slashtag recommendation to Night of Kings, a Côte d’Ivoire prison story about storytelling full of magical realism, song, and dance. (Available on Hulu)
Curtiss Prickett @bcfanboy 1365d
#slashtag why are you guys not talking about #clarice ? This show is so incredible! Amazing choreography, great production value. Please review this at some point!
Geoff Engelstein @gengelstein 1366d
Binged “We Are Lady Parts” over the weekend, and big thumbs up. Smart and funny, with heart. #slashtag
WTF Did I Just Watch? Podcast @WTFDidIWatchPod 1366d
Finished season two of #Flack on Prime. Now to wait forever for season three. #slashtag
WTF Did I Just Watch? Podcast @WTFDidIWatchPod 1367d
Everyone should be watching #KevinCanFHimself on AMC+. #slashtag
hysum ismail @thehysum 1367d
Happily Wherever is about couples whose ability to work remotely has opened up moving opportunities. They explore what their budget can buy in their current city compared to two smaller markets in vastly different parts of the country. #slashtag sounds like its made for Jeff
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝗛𝕖𝕝𝕝 @scentedmeat 1368d
#slashtag Starstruck on HBO Max. You and the ladies will love it. Can’t believe no one is talking about it. So sweet & charming.
Julien Couasnon @jcouasnon 1369d
Hey @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata, you mentionned the cool premise for the movie Wrath of Man. I agree with you but it is originally in "Le Convoyeur" with Jean Dujardin who starred in The Artist, which was remade by Guy Ritchie . Love the podcast #slashtag @slashfilmcast
Anne Barden @AnneBarden1 1369d
#slashtag just watched Babyteeth brilliant Aussie indie film beautifully acted by an accomplished cast (on Netflix in uk)
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 1370d
#slashtag @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata 4 eps in, @SweetTooth is by turns intriguing, suspenseful, emotionally engaging, and well-acted with some beautiful cinematography and interesting use of what looks like a mix of animatronics, prosthetics, and CGI.