Stan Woodard @stanwoodard 1006d
#TheManWhoFellToEarth is going really well on @Showtime! Nice exposition of the fact of it definitely being a sequel #filmcast #slashtag
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1007d
@jeffcannata @Devindra #slashtag slow horses on Apple!! What a great show!!
Tom Wilson @ratnerstar 1007d
Nobody seems to talk about Netflix's The Last Kingdom? I thought it would be mindless entertaining schlock, but while it can be silly, it's also well made, has moments of real pathos, and grapples with interesting ideas. Better than it has any right to be, really #slashtag
Bilal M @Bilal__M 1008d
@thefilmcastpod I have a series you need to watch 'Penny Dreadful' #slashtag Also 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' first episode is GOOD & 'Picard' season 2... not so good.
Kevin Sharp @thatkevinsharp 1008d
@davechensky Don't know if #slashtag is allowed for non-viewing recs, but your true crime discussion re The Staircase made me think of this (assuming you have time to read these days):
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 1009d
Ep. 669 - Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (GUEST: Dan Gvozden from The Amazing Spider-Talk)… via @Audioboom #slashtag
Rob Federici @BigRobFed 1009d
@thefilmcastpod @Audioboom @jeffcannata it brings me no joy to share that Picard S2 is also quite bad. IMO not worth your time. #slashtag
Far-More Chris @farmorechris 1009d
@jeffcannata Loved TNG but finding it hard to get into new Trek? Try Lower Decks, which is smart TNG-era hilarity with 30 minute runtime. #slashtag
SᥱᥲttꙆᥱ_JC @Seattle_JC 1010d
Hey. Julia on HBO is really good. #slashtag
#slashtag The Bad Guys is a surprising really good kids movie. the animation is top-notch some of the best I've seen in a long while, the story is predictable but still fun. @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky #TheBadGuysmovie
Mitch Punpayuk @TheMitchipedia 1015d
@Devindra I know it's a few years late but did you watch Dispatches From Elsewhere on AMC? I feel like this would be a series you'd enjoy. If you did, I'd love to hear your thoughts. #Slashtag
Winning Time HBO #slashtag
James Kornele @JVISTIZ 1017d
Language Lessons is a great movie that just hit HBO Max #slashtag
Brendan M. Roberts 🇺🇦 @brenmrob 1018d
Listening to @thefilmcastpod and the way I *gasped* when I learned @MannyJacinto was in @TopGunMovie! I am easily 17% more interested in this film. #slashtag #summermoviewager
#slashtag "We're all going to the World's Fair" is on VOD. Was at Sundance '21. Experimental film whose EP is David Lowery. Only 86 mins long. @davechensky would LOVE it, @Devindra would meh it, and @jeffcannata would be bored to tears assuming he ever saw it. 92%RT/41% audience
When was the last time you watched BASEketball? #slashtag
EHMT-1 @34millst 1023d
HBO original "We own this city" - The Shield but rooted in BLM movement plotline. Incredible! #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 1023d
Ep. 667 - The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (GUEST: Keith Phipps from The Reveal)… via @Audioboom #slashtag Our 4 🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒 are going back to Ukraine 🇺🇦 This time with 10.5 ton of aid straight into Ukraine. Please donate if your able. #cherriesaidforukraine #slashtag #bbcradiosolent #Bournemouthecho #afcb #SlavaUkraine #Ukraine️ 🇺🇦 ❤ 🇺🇦 This movie is going to be pretty impressive. Maybe even the number 3 movie of the summer… #slashtag
Choi Kwok @choiski 1029d
Check out Slow Horses on HBOMax. It’s like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, F*ckup. It’s worth it just for Gary Oldman. #slashtag @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 1030d
Ep. 666 - The 2022 Summer Movie Wager (GUESTS: Germain Lussier and Peter Sciretta)… via @Audioboom #slashtag
#slashtag watch Umma starting Sandra Oh @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra again that #Umma #play
Devin Hauenstein @HowDevin 1031d
Did you guys ever watch / comment on the AVATAR episode of HOW TO WITH JOHN WILSON? @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #Slashtag
Ramah Sakul @RealRamah 1032d
#slashtag three body problem book series cixin liu . @jeffcannata
Christopher Yee Mon 🇹🇹 @chrisyeem 1032d
Netflix has a delightful show where Japanese toddlers go out on errands. Old Enough. Cutest show ever… #slashtag
OUTER RANGE - Amazon #slashtag
Geoff Evans @gorlak 1034d
Wow. Just, wow. Episode 1 of “616” on Disney+ is fantastic. It’s a documentary about Japanese Spider-Man TV show from 1978. 100% worth an hour of your time. #slashtag
Tio Alex @alex_tae 1034d
#slashtag do you want drama? Adrenaline, plot twist, etc? What about Tokyo Drift with Mario kart and world cup? Watch "hyperdrive" on Netflix! Executive produced by Charlieze Theron! This show is "old"... can't believe there is no 2nd season and UFC makes more money than this.
Hi @jeffcannata not sure if it has been brought up yet but watched “Boiling Point” via Hoopla Denver library and it just screamed you. All one take, high stakes, complex characters having interesting conversations and people doing their job! Welcome to CO! #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 1037d
Ep. 665 - Everything Everywhere All at Once (GUEST: Walter Chaw from Film Freak Central)… via @Audioboom #slashtag
🌸 Tracey 🌸 @TraceyMmm 1037d
@thefilmcastpod PLEASE watch The Outfit if you haven’t already. It’s wonderful, and Mark Rylance is a gift. And it’s under 2 hours long, Jeff! 😂 #slashtag @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky
Sky Dragon @pwlmkco 1037d
#slashtag Roy Choi's socially and environmentally conscious food show #BrokenBread S1E6 Watts episode ending was both shocking and revealing. Also has great restaurants suggestions mostly in CA.
bryanmantoofell @bryanmantoofell 1037d
Just read everything I could possible find about the new @coraliefargeat film The Substance. Her first film, Revenge, is one of my all-time favorites! #slashtag
Jolene Mittelstedt @mittyreading 1038d
For all Nicolas Cage fans, 1983s Valley Girl is a must watch. (Don't judge it by the terrible poster.) It is one of Cage's first movies, and it made me fall in love with him. #slashtag
Simon Owens @simonowens 1039d
The film All the Old Knives, streaming on Amazon Prime, was surprisingly good. #slashtag
SᥱᥲttꙆᥱ_JC @Seattle_JC 1039d
My wife and I binged this the other night and both agree that it is required viewing. Episodes are short (15 minutes) and engrossing... also adorable! #slashtag…
Ryan Unruh @unruhryan 1040d
The way Jerrod Carmichael engages his audience in Rothaniel is masterful. They hang on every word, every pause. Must watch. Funny and emotional. #slashtag
Choi Kwok @choiski 1041d
You should check out Kotaro Lives Alone on #Netflix. Anime about a 4 year old who lives alone and how he affects everyone around him (kinda like Ted Lasso ) Sad, funny, inspiring. #slashtag
Amjid Khan @totalkharnage 1041d
@jeffcannata Really hope you guys review and discuss Severance in detail on @thefilmcastpod. That last episode of the season was truly stunning as was the whole season #Slashtag
Petri Leskinen @P33RO 1041d
@thefilmcastpod You definitely need to talk about Severance with spoilers #slashtag
Ted Marasigan @GeniusOfJourney 1041d
@thefilmcastpod hey Jeff, if you read this, Anthony was right... RANKING OF KINGS. I know you're not an anime guy but this is right at your wheelhouse. I'm sure you'll like it too, Devindra. It's animated by the studio that did the first 3 seasons of Attack on Titan #slashtag
Mzerma Amine aka @mzermarts /@1foSEC / @ pleins ;) @MzermaAmine 1041d
J'sais pas comment l' @AMF_actu voit ça ?! Réguler en dérégulant, tout en favorisant la privatisation d'assets publics ? #Slashtag #MiCA @EUAntiFraud #ecofin @EUCourtPress Le patrimoine cannois bientôt transformé en NFT et vendu aux enchères… / @20Minutes
Brad Haney @Brad_H 1042d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata You very much have to check out Tokyo Vice on @hbomax. Getting strong The Wire vibes from this, but in a less subdued manner. #slashtag
#slashtag @jeffcannata @davechensky please watch Pachinko, that’s all
@thefilmcastpod Possible I missed it, but #slashtag on Season 2 of Dave, Lil Dicky's show on FX. Its hard to recommend a season of a show, particularly one that starts of the way this one does, but the second half is immaculate.
Andrew Sorcini @MrBabyMan 1043d
@thefilmcastpod @jeffcannata I suggest you give “Poy-row” another chance with Evil Under the Sun. #slashtag Peter Ustinov is the *best* Poirot, it’s directed by 007 director Guy Hamilton, and the cast is more interested in having a blast than figuring out whodunnit.
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1044d
@thefilmcastpod #Slashtag #AvoidTag Judd Apatow's new film, The Bubble. It's bad and not funny (except for maybe three jokes). I went to the bathroom during this and when I got back to the couch only minutes later, I didn't remember I was watching it.
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 1044d
Ep. 664 - Morbius (GUEST: Caroline Siede from Role Calling)… via @Audioboom #slashtag