@jeffcannata this is more what you are looking for. youtu.be/E6TbeiKxpSs #slashtag
@slashfilmcast #slashtag 1) Fahrenheit 11/9 a sobering look at the circumstances that helped Trump get elected. 2) For something more breezy & lighthearted - Samurai Gourmet on Netflix. Food porn wrapped in a simple story about a retiree rediscovering the simple joys of food.
James F. @floreez_ 1651d
@jeffcannata @slashfilmcast have you watched the he-man documentary on @netflix The Power of Grayskull? Fascinating look at developing mythology after the fact and fans reimagining and continuing the legacy for future generations #slashtag
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1651d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra I know some of you did not care for High Score on Netflix. May I recommend the YouTube channel @GamingHistorian. Well-written, entertaining and informative series about landmark moments and titles in video game history. #SlashTag
Cody Vandenberg @CdyVan 1651d
Also, @jeffcannata#slashtag have you heard of "Alone" on History Channel? Might be a good Eco-Challenge alternative. It's not so much a "race", but a survival challenge with TRAINED wilderness professionals. Their seventh season just finished airing.
Cody Vandenberg @CdyVan 1651d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra #slashtag – I logged onto Twitter for this sole purpose... please watch/review "The Vow" on HBO Max. Fascinating! This is an investigative docu-series exploring the self-improvement "cult" called NXIVM.
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1651d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata LINE OF DUTY!! #slashtag I will keep going until you give into my demands! I will wear you down you pesky Yankees!!
Paul Harkness @goatcheesenuts 1652d
#slashtag THEY REMAIN 2018 beautifully shot artful and well acted thriller
Quintalore @quintalore 1652d
@jeffcannata I too was disappointed by The World's Toughest race and stopped after 1 episode. Then I found The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats It's Young on Amazon Prime. An indie doc that more people need to watch. Inspiring, humorous, and real. #slashtag @barkleymovie
Travis Thompson @travthompson 1653d
#slashtag SEARCHPARTY - HBOMax Seriously amazing, bingeable, tense, funny, all the things.
Uncut Jims⚪️ @jimandthem 1654d
@jeffcannata If you get a chance, check out You Cannot Kill David Arquette, decent watch that should appeal to that closeted wrestling fan inside you #slashtag
Gotta say @jeffcannata on Ted Lasso was spot on. Ignore the first episodes odd pacing, the rest are great and it’s truly refreshing to have a not shit character to root for! #slashtag
Kevin Craig @kevinjamescraig 1654d
Has anyone jumped into the The Tales of Arcadia animated series that starts with Trollhunters? My son and I just finished season 1 and I think the series is amazing. It starts decently, kind of like Avatar, and just builds into this heartfelt, rollicking adventure. #slashtag
Kevin Long @kevlong67 1653d
@kevinjamescraig I loved the entire Tales of Arcadia run. Trollhunters, 3Below, and Wizards. My favorite types of stories are those that subvert expectations and get stories out of unexpected characters. This show continually does that in small 23 minute doses while keeping it fun. #slashtag
Dione anderson @Dionethemailman 1654d
#slashtag recommending “the night eats the world”; sort of a zombie “all is lost”. The only 2 people I know who have seen it are me and Mark Dujsik the critic. Great film.
Luis Paixao 🏟 @LmcfP 1654d
#slashtag checkout Rising Phoenix on Netflix
BSU Hulk @bsuhulk 1654d
@jeffcannata long time listener, first time #slashtag I highly recommend World’s Toughest Race. It’s an actual race, through the Fiji jungle. What people can push their bodies and can endure is amazing. Slashfilm has an excellent review that really encapsulates it perfectly.
Killer Sofa (Bernie Rao) 🇳🇿 @killer_sofa 1655d
@slashfilmcast @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata "Killer Sofa" will be an interesting sit. I think it's awesome and fun but I'm biased. Good for couples and some children. Maybe too scary for grandparents. #slashtag It's on Prime and other places! Love the podcast ;D xxxx pic.twitter.com/m8YW38UoTW
Ronet Jankovski @roneteus 1655d
@slashfilmcast @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata "Lucky Grandma" as a blind watch. Just trust me on this. #slashtag
Quintalore @quintalore 1655d
The Barkley Marathons on Amazon Prime is sooo good. A hidden gem. Quirky, fun, ridiculous, and real. #slashtag
Cand Grab @CandGrab 1630d
@quintalore I second this. Also, you missed the other, more entertaining half of the title: "The Race That Eats Its Young" imdb.com/title/tt240029… #slashtag
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1655d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra on last season of rewatch of “line of duty” unbelievable!! #slashtag
rudya @rudya 1656d
#slashtag Any Netflix’s horror movie suggestions
Peter Cozzoni @osc703 1656d
#slashtag Just rewatched Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins on @PrimeVideo. I loved this movie when it came out in 1985. Waited and waited for the sequels. Joel Grey's performance as a Korean is cringe worthy. Should have the Disney "outdated cultural depictions" warning.
Kevin Luu @kevinluu91 1656d
Heard the talk about reality tv on the Boys State episode. Have you guys ever tried Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City? Basically like Japanese The real world without all the drama. The housemates talk about their goals and try to inspire each other. I enjoy it. #slashtag
folarin @folarin 1657d
When it comes to animation people have forgotten about "Over The Hedge" from 2006. Loveable and cute animals trying to get food. Super great animation from Dreamworks. Smart and witty dialogue. #slashtag
The T.B.A. @JofPs4 1657d
A Movie about the end of the world named "Last Night". Its kinda hard to find online but i own it Directed by Don McKellar & has Sandra Oh in it #slashtag
Movie Nom Nom @MovieGuy1982 1657d
Would like to recommend the film I See You. Should be available on Netflix. A great thriller that rewards the unsullied. #slashtag
Daniel Eliassen @EliassenDaniel 1657d
The hilarious monty python-esque viking sitcom Norsemen youtube.com/watch?v=HpMvIZ… #slashtag
Kevin (Will eat food for food) @Themundtster 1658d
@jeffcannata for kislds show corner you gotta talkabout netflixs new magic school bus! #slashtag
slow burn @BenGrib 1658d
#slashtag not sure if you guys do audiobooks, but the Sandman by @neilhimself is something to behold. It’s a sinister episodic epic that’s beautifully directed and has got a great cast
Geoff Balasi @geoffbalasi 1658d
@jeffcannata @davechensky just watched this new documentary Boys State on Apple TV+. It’s one of my favorites of the year. It’ll make you cheer, cringe and cry. #slashtag youtu.be/ViiYJZqGC5w
Gregg D. @Silent3rdG 1658d
#slashtag A Dark Song! It got a brief mention a while back but I really think you guys would love it.
Macron Estiér @BallsOnBalls 1658d
@jeffcannata I think that you would like Kidding with Jim Carrey on Showtime. #slashtag
Zomino @Zomino 1658d
#slashtag Don’t recommend Lucky Day unless you are looking for something to hate watch. Don’t fall for the seemingly similar premise to Killing Zoe or Crispin Glover. Didn’t make it more than 30 min.
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1658d
@Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky just listened to the as always best film podcast on the planet! But... we go again LINE OF DUTY on the bbc.. I know you lot will love it! #slashtag
Marc Pitty @marcpitty 1658d
@slashfilmcast - Have you seen ‘Trying’ on Apple TV+? - funny, heartwarming, good people, short episodes (8). Definitely your bag. #slashtag
Richard Robinson @YippeKiYay 1658d
#slashtag I recommend Sing Street, a coming of age musical from Ireland. Great songs that'll stay in your head for days.
myeap . @myeap80 1658d
My new covid-19 comedic salvation on Amazon prime video.... name of the show? The Goes Wrong Show.. sophisticated British slapstick.. This show is exactly what the doctor ordered, can't stop laughing 😂😂😂😂😂 #GoesWrongShow #slashtag
Nathan or Hale 🤷🏽‍♂️ @N8nHale 1659d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag One Cut of the Dead on shudder made me smile ear to ear. Charming & disarming
Jason Tarver @Thingfan71 1659d
#slashtag Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters is a great video game documentary.
@slashfilmcast #slashtag. If you are looking for an older movie that is fun and lighthearted check out Knights Tale on Netflix now.
George @geesum 1659d
@slashfilmcast @Devindra have you watched the ‘Condor’ series? Good cat and mouse spy thriller story. It's also made more relevant by the current pandemic as it has a bio weapon infecting everyone plot. #slashtag
Stefan Feist @stefanfeist 1659d
Please, #darknetflix is a must. #slashtag
IngloriousBaxter @ingloriousbaxtr 1659d
#slashtag I would love if you guys would do more “rewind” reviews. I’m interested in your opinions on Arnold’s Running Man, its oh-so-dated but weirdly relevant
Mel Radloff🏳️‍🌈 #BlackLivesMatter @MelRadloff 1659d
You should be able to check out "I May Destroy You" in the Americas now. You're welcome😉 #slashtag
Josh Noftz @JoshNoftz 1659d
If you liked #johnwastryingtocontactaliens and wanted more of it, check out Skyman on Amazon Prime! #slashtag @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1659d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata “the movies” on sky documentaries is absolutely brilliant #slashtag Also line of duty on the bbc!!! For the 20th time 😀#slashtag
Erik Fisher @ErikJFisher 1659d
#slashtag Enola Holmes and Bill & Tedd 3
Not White like a inverse Greta Gerwig Film @Bleentastic 1659d
@slashfilmcast #SLASHTAG Girls Lost Thelma And City Without Baseball