Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1325d
@jeffcannata You have mentioned you are a fan of pro wrestling. Have you seen the series from Vice “Dark Side of the Ring”? It’s on Hulu and it’s a documentary series about some of the tragic stories from the wrestling world. I think it’s something you might enjoy #slashtag
folarin @folarin 1325d
#slashtag 2006 show "The Unit" about a special operations Delta force unit in the U.S. Army. Amazing show. Quick witted dialogue. Shot like a gritty movie. Dennis Haysbert as leader of the unit. Scott Foley. Robert Patrick fits his role so well.
Emma Müller 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🖤 𖤐 @TV_Junkie 1326d
#slashtag Blood Red Sky: German-american Netflix-movie Die Hard on a plane, but the protogonist is a single mom traveling to the US to treat her „blood disease“. (If you know what I mean…)
Justin Lerbakken @Lerbaker 1327d
#slashtag been on a music doc kick lately and @jeffcannata if you liked McCartney 3,2,1 you gotta check out the Sparks Brothers (directed by Edgar Wright), the newish Zappa doc, and Summer of Soul they are all amazing
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1328d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Just finished “I Think You Should Leave.” It was hilarious and brilliant. Are there any other shows like this? And by that mean, hilarious and also short. I loved how short the episodes of I Think You Should Leave are. #Slashtag
#slashtag are any of you watching “War of the Worlds” on Disney+? I haven’t heard many people talk about it , but it’s surprisingly good
Conor Bresnan @ConorBresnan1 1329d
#slashtag Thank you @Devindra for recommending Neon Genesis Evangelion! I'm a slow TV watcher, but I've finally finished the series and in my mind it is one of the 5 best ever made. What an exquisite work of art. To the other film cast hosts, what are you waiting for?
Adrian vom Baur @adrianvom 1329d
@thefilmcastpod Have any of you guys checked out Babylon Berlin (on Netflix in the US)? It’s a fantastic crime thriller set in 1920s Berlin that combines a lot of genres. All episodes are co-written & co-directed by Tom Tykwer and I think it’s some of his best work! #slashtag
Salil 🧢🤘 @salil__ 1329d
For an escape from everything stressful, I recommend Clarkson’s Farm on @PrimeVideo #slashtag
brandon billings @brand0nbillings 1329d
Hey @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky if you like “I think you should leave” and Sam Richardson, have you guys watched Detroiters? While it has lots of “Detroit” specific jokes and references that may be lost on you, Tim and Sam’s humor stylings shine through. #slashtag
@thefilmcastpod if you guys like Wellington Paranormal, WWDITS and that type of humour, I reckon you'll dig New Zealand Today. Basically the same except it's not and it's real. Every episode makes me both mortified and proud to be a Kiwi #slashtag youtube.com/user/JonoAndBe…
Time Tv series staring Stephen Graham and Sean Bean. #slashtag
SᥱᥲttꙆᥱ_JC @Seattle_JC 1330d
@Devindra So glad you called out High on the Hog (Netflix) on the Filmcast! It only suffers from leaving me wanting more episodes. #slashtag
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1330d
I want to recommend Monsters at Work to my fellow @thefilmcastpod listeners who are also parents. Like any Pixar movie it's quality entertainment for the kids and the parents. Check it out! #slashtag #MonstersAtWork
Finished the final season of Bosch. Pretty great. Have you seen it yet @Devindra ? #slashtag
Nathan Reinauer @sweetdiss 1331d
#slashtag JEFF I think Schmigadoon on Apple TV+ might be made for you. The premise is What if normal people found themselves trapped in a musical
Brad Haney @Brad_H 1331d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata You have to check out This Way Up on Hulu. Aisling Bea and Sharon Horgan are both excellent in this. It’s a fun, short sit and very much worth checking out. #slashtag
OttawaWebPro @OttawaWebPro 1332d
#slashtag naomi Osaka on netflix
dhokes @b_dhokia 1332d
What do you get if you mix Narcos with Ozark? The tv series ZeroZeroZero 👍🏽 #slashtag
Gary Yarbrough @garysy 1332d
#slashtag “Birdie Presents A Thing On Strings” - A beautiful 4min montage vignette set to a moving violin arrangement at the end of S2E6 of #CentralPark @ 18:20 mark. No context required.
anomoly @anomoly 1332d
I have mixed feelings about the movie, however, agreed... they need to review it. #slashtag #thefilmcast #thefilmcastpod @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata twitter.com/ymercado/statu…
Yehudi "CHUNKY" Mercado @ymercado 1334d
Yo @thefilmcastpod @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata I just came from a 35mm screening of GUNPOWDER MILKSHAKE at the New Beverly. I highly recommend it. It's the most filmcast film to ever filmcast #slashtag pic.twitter.com/YdJH90T7bg
Zomino @Zomino 1333d
#slashtag Highly recommend the movie Pig, but try to go in sight unseen. Totally unexpected and a flick that stays with you. Right up @davechensky’s alley based on recent discussions on the pod
cointoss @ssotnioc 1334d
Just watched Lift Itself on prime video. One of the best films I've seen in awhile. How did this go unnoticed in 2018? #slashtag
Yehudi "CHUNKY" Mercado @ymercado 1334d
Yo @thefilmcastpod @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata I just came from a 35mm screening of GUNPOWDER MILKSHAKE at the New Beverly. I highly recommend it. It's the most filmcast film to ever filmcast #slashtag pic.twitter.com/YdJH90T7bg
folarin @folarin 1335d
"Dr Death" looks good #slashtag a surgeon that maims and caused serious harm to his patients youtu.be/WUydwrPAY-M
Andy Breivik @IMustMusic 1335d
#slashtag Carrion. It's a game on Xbox Gamepass. Go play it today. Gruesome and unique and beautiful. You are a gross pile of flesh destroying all in its path. Nice tight 10 hours
folarin @folarin 1335d
#slashtag I enjoyed Chad more that Pen15. They have similar premises: Grown women acting middle school characters (boys and girls ages). Nasim Pedrad is even more believable as a boy that those in Pen15. I would have Emmy nominated Chad than Pen15.
Tim Watson @trpw 1335d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra At Cannes the BFI are showcasing a cleaned-up version of the early Tilda Swinton movie Friendship's Death #slashtag
Ham Salad @hamsalad5 1336d
@thefilmcastpod The Hunt (the one where liberal elites hunt “deplorables”) is a much better movie than I thought would be. Funny, gross and clever. #slashtag
Matthew Chachula @Chachzilla 1336d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata The TV series Wellington Paranormal hit CW and HBO Max recently and it’s really fun. From the What We Do In The Shadows team. Some well-meaning, but absent minded cops investigate paranormal phenomena. Worth a look #slashtag
Gold Solutions Plating @gsplating 1336d
Since we have been slashing prices all morning... #slashtag #PriceDrop #Slash pic.twitter.com/oMoyzZoUXp
Erik Fisher @ErikJFisher 1337d
Dear @thefilmcastpod team @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata: ‘My Dinner with Andre’ IS ON HBOMAX! #slashtag pic.twitter.com/tQ17O8n2Zd
Grifflame @grifflame 1337d
@thefilmcastpod @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra The Jackie Chan movie Jeff is thinking of where he slides down a building is my personal favorite Jackie Chan movie: Who Am I? #slashtag
Steven Paul @IStevenPaul 1337d
Darn now you will never watch @slashthemovie .....@thefilmcastpod @jeffcannata @Devindra #slashtag 😭😭😭😭😭
folarin @folarin 1338d
Nice little Ed Helms movie, The Clapper (2017). I'm liking gentle chill films nowadays. #slashtag
Colin Sanberg @csanberg 1339d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra My wife and I just finished Werewolves Within on VOD. A WHOLE lot of fun. Definitely up there in the horror/comedy genre. #slashtag
Tweetivation @kaycemick 1339d
@jeffcannata Please watch Season 1 of Preacher and talk about it on @slashfilmcast or an after dark! I would love to hear your opinion of the show as a fan of the book. I am a patreon sub if that matters. Thank you!! #slashtag #hulu
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝗛𝕖𝕝𝕝 @scentedmeat 1340d
#slashtag This Way Up on Hulu. So great!
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1340d
If you have Disney+ and young children Marvel Super Hero Adventures is a great way to introduce them to Marvel characters. My daughter loves Spider-Man now. Episodes are only 3-4 mins long. #SlashTag
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata youtu.be/JK_JaDxIzfg It's a YouTube video, but it's just about as riveting as any true crime doc you'd find on Netflix. #slashtag
𝚛𝟹𝚟 @r3v 1342d
The Good Fight continues to be excellent and Mandy Patinkin continues to be a gd treasure. #slashtag
@slashfilmcast you’ve probably been #slashtag recommended this a lot, but Werewolves Within seems like it’s right up @jeffcannata’s alley—based on a video game, directed by Josh Ruben of Scare Me fame, plus it’s a lot of fun too
Mahesh K @MaheshNYCTO 1342d
A bucket list item for any movie lover - the Cine Thisio open air theater in Athens @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag pic.twitter.com/sTrWFFmo6a
Daniel Bordeaux @Danb1386 1343d
@jeffcannata @Devindra #slashtag my wife and I are new parents so it may be pulling our heart strings harder than usual, but we are really enjoying Trying on AppleTV+. Every episode is funny and heartfelt and just feels good to watch at the end of the day. Give it a shot.
JustSomeDude @BeKindRewind21 1343d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra #slashtag Probably late to the party, but Loudermilk is so good. Ron Livingston is so good, but the supporting characters are too. Amazon Prime. Hopefully for 4th season!!
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1343d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata May I recommend “Closed for Storm” on VOD. 1st feature length doc from YouTuber @BrightSunFilms. It’s about the abandoned theme park Six Flags New Orleans. How Hurricane Katrina destroyed it and the attempts to bring it back #slashtag
Joe Bender @joe__bender 1344d
Did you like Children of Men, 1917, The Raid 2, The Revenant, Last of Us 2? Then watch Black Summer, a zombie series on Netflix. Lots of long shots and extended action scenes. The first 7 minutes of S2:E1 are extremely impressive. #slashtag @jeffcannata
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1344d
#Slashtag I don't recall if @slashfilmcast talked about The Empty Man, but in any case it's a really creepy, effective horror movie (with a one-scene wonder by Stephen Root as a creepy cult leader). 🌬️🍾🌉 🧟‍♂️ @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata twitter.com/SJYeocero/stat…
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1344d
@Devindra @roxana_hadadi @BilgeEbiri Thanks to this exchange, I rented The Empty Man last night. Very effective, creepy movie!
Nayan Acharya @NaysEyeView 1345d
Finally started @AppleTV’s Mythic Quest. Is so good #slashtag @jeffcannata