Dione anderson @Dionethemailman 1370d
#slashtag @jeffcannata @davechensky recommending “little fish” on Hulu. It stars Olivia Coleman and Jack O’Connor and is a lovely film reminiscent of “eternal sunshine”. It’s my favorite movie of 2021 (so far).
@slashfilmcast #Slashtag rec, not sure if anyone on the show has checked out the new Netflix movie Oxygen from Alexandre Aja, a really interesting one actor/one setting thriller worth checking out if you’re creeped out by claustrophobia
@jeffcannata always love hearing you peak out of the wrestling fan closet so my #slashtag recc is for you to watch the Dark Side of the Ring doc series. It’s a ViceTV show but previous seasons are on Hulu now. Better than all of the A&E & WWE docs on topics they would never do
Michael Berlin @mberlin21 1370d
@jeffcannata Uncle Frank on Amazon Prime! I've suggested this gem a slew of times and the first thing I do after downloading the /Filmcast episode is check the notes see if it made the WhatWe'veBeenWatching. Nothing yet. I will not be deterred! You will love! #slashtag
@JeffCanatta @Devindra @davechensky #slashtag Australian crime drama/comedy called Mr Inbetween is funny, heart-warming and a bit dark. Similar to Chopper. 3rd season is airing on FX now #mrinbetween
Curtiss Prickett @bcfanboy 1370d
#slashtag @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata I know this might be a controversial pick but the HBO show called “That Damn Michael Che” is freaking crazy on so many uncomfortable levels. Just watch the first show, u will understand…
Travis Thompson @travthompson 1371d
Taskmaster (On YouTube, originally British TV) is seriously me and my wife’s favorite show… it’s Who’s Line is it Anyway meets Minute to Win It / start on Season 7 #slashtag
Jamie Power @J_a_m_i_e_P 1371d
The GeoWizard Youtube channel's 'Mission Across...' series. A guy takes a daydream we've all had at one time or another - "what if I started walking in a straight line and just kept going?" - and makes surprisingly compelling series out of it #slashtag youtu.be/SiyGdOHobsY
bladeronner @BladeRonner 1371d
Hey @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata. If you haven't already, you MUST watch #WeAreLadyParts! Hilarious, uplifting, & like nothing else. A quirky comedy about a women's Muslim punk band. Need I say more? Has a bit of Scott Pilgrim vibes. #slashtag youtube.com/watch?v=MPqzoA…
Irrelevant @Dvrkhound 1372d
@jeffcannata I know you're into Lego. Should check out "Lego Masters" on Hulu. Lego competition hosted by Will Arnett. So rad! #Slashtag
Bob Brown @bobbylove 1372d
@jeffcannata @Devindra Bluey is cute band all but the jewel in the pre school crown is surely Hey Duggee. It’s hilarious, playful and boasts an inventive design aesthetic. It’s a UK show so maybe it doesn’t travel well? It’s the perfect kids show. Trust me (and my son) #slashtag
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1372d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag “time” on the bbc with sean bean and Stephen graham. 3 parts excellent! acting and writing so good!!
#NightMurse @TheTrueGeen 1374d
@Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky if it hasn't already I want to give a big #SlashTag to #SweetTooth on #Netflix
Cal Amity @amity_cal 1374d
Starred Up is a fantastic prison film. Great writing and performances, incredibly brutal and tense #slashtag
Jolene Mittelstedt @mittyreading 1375d
‘Spontaneous’ is completely unexpected and fantastic. #slashtag pic.twitter.com/Dc5MI4JhXE
Salim Dao @salimdao 1375d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra i was gonna recommend this yesterday, but I just got around to listening to the latest After Dark. Jeff, please watch the episode “Backstory!” of Mythic Quest. i think its okay to go in cold on this one. #slashtag
Brandon Rich @BrandonRich 1376d
@jeffcannata!! They did it again. Another gobsmacking episode 5 for #MythicQuest. This show is so much better than it has any right to be. Listen to @Devindra! #slashtag
Lars Nørgaard @larsnoergaard 1376d
As a Dane who has grown up with Anders T. Jensens movies and love Riders of Justice, I can highly recommend: "Adam's Apples", "The Green Butchers", "In China They Eat Dogs", and the film that RoJ is the spiritual successor to "Flickering Lights". My favorites from ATJ. #slashtag
Lars Nørgaard @larsnoergaard 1376d
"Old Men in New Cars" is the sequel to "In China...". Also very recommendable :) #slashtag
hysum ismail @thehysum 1376d
#slashtag If you want a really fun, breezy show to watch with a significant other try We are the Lady Parts on Peacock. A coming of age comedy about an all women muslim punk band in the UK. Think Ferris Bueller meets Scott Pilgrim meets Bend it like Beckham meet Scrubs.
Guys, you HAVE to check out The Mosquito Coast on Apple TV+. It is right up your alley. And it's got Justin Theroux! Intriguing, suspenseful, the characters are super likeable, it's just an all around fun show. I was hooked by the time I was done with episode 1. #slashtag
Joakim Silverdal @jockesilver 1377d
Hey guys! You HAVE to watch Anders Thomas Jensens previous dark comedies with Mads Mikkelsen: Flickering Lights, Green Butchers and, my favorite, Adams Apples. So, so, so good! 🔥🔥🔥 #slashtag @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐧 @nwahs086 1378d
#slashtag Rutherford Falls. It's the newest Mike Schur show that has the best indigenous representation I've seen. Watch at least 3 episodes because it starts rough, and ep 3 is a turning point in the show. It's on peacock.
Celine Brown @celiniezucchini 1379d
Rutherford Falls and Girls5Eva on Peacock were very enjoyable. #slashtag
Adam Denby @cosmiconion 1379d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky #slashtag please please please watch Bo Burnham: Inside on Netflix - I've never seen anything like it
Matthew Walker @mdw2554 1379d
CRUELLA is dazzling, and I'm sure it would provoke conversation and controversy on the show. Personally, I thought it was great. #slashtag
Matthew Walker @mdw2554 1379d
THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS is impeccably shot, and it's also not quite the movie you might expect to get from the trailer. I loved it! #slashtag
Matthew Sometimes ☕️🌲 @MatthewSometime 1380d
Weekend movie watches- Plan B (2021) Dir: Natalie Morales Jacob's Wife (2021) Dir: Travis Stevens Get Duked! (2019) Dir: Ninian Doff The Ringmaster (2019) Dir: Molly Dworsky, Dave Newberg Recommended. #slashtag pic.twitter.com/ERW8q4fNr0
Tyler Appleby @ApplebyTyler 1381d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky #slashtag Of everything you can watch this week, please make it Bo Burnham's new special "Inside". It's legitimately one of the greatest "comedy" specials of all-time, and I don't think I'm being hyperbolic. On Netflix!
Brandon Noel @The_Mongrel 1381d
#slashtag Bo Burnham’s Inside
Alex Tremel @SenorATL 1381d
@slashfilmcast You've mentioned comedy specials on the show before, so I just wanna shout out @boburnham's new special Inside on Netflix. Hilarious, insightful, and I think very intelligent art about/created in the pandemic. Another home run from Bo. #slashtag
BigLebowsk1 @cmleelo2002 1381d
#slashtag. Recommendation for a gift for your wife. This was a home run. pic.twitter.com/wuRr5wuwbY
@jeffcannata I suggest checking out Disney's Cruella. Sure it's Devil Wears Prada with spots, but Emma Stone carries the film and the supporting cast is fantastic. By far the best Disney live action rendition. #slashtag
Hakim Tatah @Huxter 1381d
Love Death + Robots: Volume 2 is worth watching for the diverse animation styles alone, but it's also really entertaining and thought provoking. Better than the 1st #slashtag
del nakamura @delnakamura 1376d
@Huxter Second this, especially Ep. 3 & 4 "Pop Squad" & "Snow in the Desert" #slashtag
Bibbyroo @bibbyroo1 1382d
138 'Calls' season 1 What an amazing and strange show! It's basically a radio play; its just audio of different telephone calls, but wow is it intense! Really worth checking out! #Calls #AppleTVPlus #PhoneCalls #SciFi #RadioPlay #SpaceTimeContinuum #ParallelUniverse #Slashtag
Hawkins Teague @HawkinsTeague 1382d
#Slashtag You guys, #PlanBMovie (#PlanBHulu?) is so good. Hilarious, poignant and fun. Definite #Booksmart vibes with the “one crazy night” plot and high school girl besties, but adds a road trip, non-white leads and some political commentary (though not heavy-handed) to the mix.
Justin Coope @rustchild 1382d
#slashtag Mythic Quest had a rough season 1, but it got really, REALLY good. The pandemic episode especially had me in tears from laughing AND crying.
Chris Richardson @WTFGamer 1383d
@jeffcannata Hi Jeff. Since you are a Marvel Zombie from why back, here's a #slashtag for you. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance was a batshit pure comic adaptation. Dave and Devindra refused to review it. Booo!
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 1383d
@nataliemorales Congratulations on a hilarious movie! Plan B is a perfect mix of laugh-out-loud funny, touching, and political in the form of a teen sex/quest movie. #slashtag A must-watch this long weekend @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata
Dan Cameron 🐙 @dancameron 1383d
@jeffcannata we just finished all of Line of Duty, thanks for another great recommendation, my wife and I really enjoyed it. I was preparing for a terrible ending to that last season but was pleasantly surprised it wasn’t (won’t spoil it by giving opinions). #slashtag
Damian Sherman @BiSiCkLe 1384d
#slashtag Highly recommend the Netflix limited series Behind Her Eyes, one of the most batshit insane story I've ever seen. @jeffcannata @Devindra
@jeffcannata Just finished watching James Acaster’s latest comedy special Cold Lasagna. If you loved his 3 part special on Netflix you’ll it! #slashtag
PerryReviewsLife @ReviewsPerry 1385d
#slashtag a book suggestion The Last Tribe, Brad Manuel @jeffcannata
Drew Wallner @trackofalljades 1386d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata based on what you said about never having seen Midnight Run, I suggest a #slashtag mini film festival subgenre…every film ever scored by Danny Elfman that’s NOT directed or produced by Tim Burton 🤓
Jolene Mittelstedt @mittyreading 1386d
Tales from the Loop (amazon) is completely unique and mesmerizing. It will tug at your heart in every way imaginable. #slashtag
@davechensky 👋 If you could only see one, which would you recommend: Wrath of Man or The Paper Tigers ? #slashtag
Saw Together Together @ Sundance. Nice little indie drama about platonic relationships and a single man wanting to have a child, which is a novel subject for film. @davechensky is being extremely unfair to this film. Definitely worth a watch. #slashtag @jeffcannata
Chris Kreie @ckreie 1387d
#slashtag Please do a spoiler-filled review of "There Is No I in Threesome"!!! And if you plan to watch it, read or watch NOTHING about it before you do!
Martin Jablonski @martinjablonski 1387d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra #slashtag You need to watch Kim's Convenience ASAP. A great sitcom about a Korean-Canadian family that quickly became one of the best things I saw this year. Smart writing and full of heart. Starring future Shang-Chi Marvel Star Simu Liu.
Martin Jablonski @martinjablonski 1387d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra #slashtag You need to watch Kim's Convenience ASAP. A great sitcom about an Asian/Canadian family that quickly became one of the best things I saw this year. Smart writing and full of heart. Starring future Shang-Chi Marvel Star Simu Liu.