Kyle Flyberg @hollywood514 1529d
#slashtag Promising Young Woman!
Kevin Looney @kevinlooney05 1529d
Not sure if this one has been mentioned before, but I was surprised by how much I liked the film Spontaneous. The premise, which I won't reveal if you want to go in blind, sounds bonkers, but it works. It's a real mashup of genres too. #slashtag
Olivia Oliver @livygirl4life 1529d
I’m Your Woman on Amazon Prime. Saw it last night. A little slow to start but a good noire crime story. #slashtag
O’Rear 🤯 @TheMichaelORear 1529d
Beasts Clawing at Straws. Don’t miss this South Korean crime thriller. An absolutely insane ride. @jeffcannata #slashtag
Daniel Horton @danielrhorton 1529d
My first two movies of 2021 were Tenet and Edge of Tomorrow. Both are about bending time to repeat an event to solve a problem. Now that we’ve Iived through mistakes, 2021 will be the reverse of 2020 and start awful, but get a lot better? #slashtag
Ryan Crisp @decadentlycrisp 1529d
Highly recommend “Garth Brooks: The Road I’m On” on Netflix. #slashtag
#Spontaneous on prime video is fantastic! #slashtag Tag
Daniel Shaw @DanboShaw 1530d
#slashtag I believe @davechensky was waiting for Warrior to arrive on HBO Max. I've been watching it during the Trump Era, and I won't lie -- it has been extremely satisfying to watch white supremacists get a weekly beatdown. It also fictionalizes a lot of real history.… @shauntrennery 1530d
Mitch Punpayuk @MitchipediaGEM 1530d
Happy New Year! 2021 PSA: Both seasons of Warrior are on HBO Max now. This is NOT a drill! Watch this show right now!!! You will thank me afterwards. #SlashTag
Mzerma Amine aka @mzermarts /@1foSEC / @ pleins ;) @MzermaAmine 1531d
Mediavenir @Mediavenir 1531d
🇫🇷 FLASH - Les voyageurs présents à la #GareDuNord sont bloqués à cause d’un accident et d’un bagage abandonné. (📹 via @gregoire_mandy) #Paris #reveillon2020
If you ❤️ mindbendy 🧠 movies, watch COHERENCE. If you ❤️ time travel ⏰ movies, watch PREDESTINATION. - Thank Me Later! #slashtag
We Bought A Grogu @gamookie 1532d
@jeffcannata Have you watched "The Goes Wrong Show" on Amazon Prime? I thought of you and your love of "Noises Off" when I saw it. #slashtag
Dan Cishek @dcnation 1533d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata @htranbui Please release the 4-hour #CannataCut of this review because his incredulity and flabbergasted frustration was me the entire time I was watching it
usna98 @usna98 1533d
#slashtag @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata Check out #HUNTERHUNTER with @DevonESawa to watch one of the best horror movies of the year. Imagine "The Grey" meets French extremism.
#slashtag Fatman
Nicholas Ewers @NicholasEwers 1533d
#slashtag Undone on Amazon Prime. Seriously, it’s one of the most incredible and beautiful shows I’ve seen in my life. There’s only one season so far, and it’s only 3.5 hours long. I really encourage Jeff and David to check it out ASAP.
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1534d
The best new #Christmas movie I’ve seen since Elf. An instant classic. #slashtag My ★★★★½ review of Happiest Season on @letterboxd:
#slashtag The Discoverers on Prime Video
Monique Fiedler @househippo1 1535d
#slashtag reviving my old Twitter just for this. Attack on Titan is airing its final season and will go down as one of the best anime of all time. SO.GOOD. Go watch!
Rick Mazza @mazzarocco 1535d
#slashtag This is a wonderful series that for some reason is under the radar #MyBrilliantFriend is an HBO / Italy copro. Based on the fantastic book series by Ellante Ferrante who I believe is also a writer on the show. A commitment but worth it.
#slashtag WW 198Snore
Benton Attfield @BenAttfield 1535d
#slashtag I think you guys should check out "A Sun" on Netflix if you haven't already.
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1536d
@LarsenOnFilm Good call on "Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets!" I wouldn't have seen (or even heard of) it without your mention. Very much enjoyed it!
Rewatching @PixarSoul with the family and think that this deserves the #SlashTag @Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky @slashfilmcast instead of #WW84 🤷‍♂️
John Terranova @jhnterranova 1536d
#slashtag This is for @Devindra and anyone who hasn’t watched Clone Wars and Rebels. The first couple seasons of Clone Wars are geared towards younger kids but around season 3 the show gets progressively darker and more mature. To the point where it actually explores really
Looking for a Christmas movie palate cleanser? Try Get Duked! on Amazon Prime video--familiar but fun! #slashtag
Chuck DeBleu @DeBleuMan 1536d
@Devindra could I get your suggestion for the best 65” TV for both everyday viewing and use with a brand new PS5? #slashtag
rainminded @rainminded 1536d
#slashtag My seasonal recommendation is this 2018 festive gem called Anna and the Apocalypse, which is a Christmas zombie musical. Sounds like the worst idea ever, ends up one of the best. Maybe the most fun I’d had in a theatre besides Booksmart, my crowd had such a blast 🎄
Marty McPie @marty_mcpie_ 1536d
#slashtag BOSS LEVEL - Crank meets Groundhog Day. Time Loops are so hot right now. Really fun flick. You’ll know if it’s for you within the first 3mins. Might not have a US release yet? @slashfilmcast
David Jones @Djkatana 1537d
You have to rewiew WW84. But I’ll just say my favorite parts were the opening scene and the after credit scene. The rest? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ #slashtag
Keith Geiger @MrEducationator 1538d
#slashtag The Repair Shop on Netflix is a lovely English show. People take in family heirlooms, from butter churners to old watches, and a team of specialists fix, paint, refinish them. Guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
Matt Rockman @ 🏡 @mrockman 1538d
#slashtag @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata SPONTANEOUS came highly recommended and blew away my expectations. I can't remember the last time an ostensible horror/comedy/romance left me with such a full range of emotions.
Sean McArdle @SeanLukeMcArd 1538d
@jeffcannata I hope you give Interstellar another shot and would love to hear what your experience is like this time. #slashtag
Ryland Haggis @rylandh 1538d
@jeffcannata For your kids (exact same age as my two), Hilda on Netflix is a wonderful show that sits between Bluey and Miyazaki films, which is a description that doesn’t make sense until you see it. #slashtag
Ramah Sakul @RealRamah 1538d
#slashtag smiley's people - classic spy thriller - Amazon prime
Christopher Mele @MeleChristopher 1539d
#slashtag "Hinterland" series! Whoo-boy! Three seasons, 90-minute episodes. Brooding and dark, with gorgeous Welsh scenery, plot twists galore and an engaging cast.
@jeffcannata I highly recommend Last Life In The Universe. Its my favorite movie. The 2 main characters are Japanese and Thai and both barely speak english. I loved watching them befriend each other despite their language barrier. #slashtag
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1539d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag "Babyteeth," streaming on @hulu with great performances from Eliza Scanlen, Essie Davis, and Ben Mendelsohn who you know and Toby Wallace who probably don't
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag If Paul Greengrass directed Behind Enemy Lines, it would be ‘71. It’s the best representation of the Troubles conflict in Ireland put onscreen and features a nuanced turn by the always great, Jack O’Connell. On Prime and a must watch
Bobby Simpson @bobbysimpson 1540d
@jeffcannata just listened to the latest @slashfilmcast and can't help but think you've never heard the @HDTGM about crocodile dundee 3. #slashtag Gui Da Gui is about as obscure as I can get in my recs and have to note I haven't seen it since college in 2006.
Grant Sundin @wrytangle 1540d
Two of the most enjoyable films I've watched this year were Prime Originals - 'Blow The Man Down' & 'I'm Your Woman'. The latter was particularly great. Really intense stripped-back thriller with a superb central performance by Rachel Brosnahan. #slashtag
The Lawful Nerd @lawfulnerd 1540d
#slashtag I highly recommend watching Blow the Man Down on Amazon Prime. It's a fun dark comedy/crime thriller set in a New England fishing town with a bit of a mystery. 90 minutes.
anomoly @anomoly 1536d
@lawfulnerd First time using #slashtag #blowthemandown was an interesting movie for sure not a comedy, a little slow but overall worth the watch.
Force Five Podcast @forcefivepod 1540d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra - you should all watch Yellow Rose. It's a really great uplifting film that you'd all probably love. #slashtag
its.pronounced.fee @phinguyen 1540d
#slashtag oddly on Cinemax "WARRIOR" is amazingly good, I believe the premise was written by Bruce Lee and is produced by his daughter. 2 Seasons and I believe HBO has bought the rights and we'll see if they continue S3 but overall great sit!
@jeffcannata #slashtag Dash & Lily. Heartwarming Christmas show, set in New York. #bibliophile @netflix