Steven Paul ⚡️ @IStevenPaul 859d
"Come on down to Cannata-ford" I'm a Jeff head so I have to keep swinging. #slashtag you should check out @slashthemovie available on amazon prime (free) @jeffcannata I think you'll dig it. 🦸‍♂️🧙‍♂️✏️
@jeffcannata #slashtag 2 recs: 1- The Fall. A visually stunning masterpiece with themes of shared story-telling that, as a DM, I think you’d appreciate. 2- The Standoff at Sparrow Creek. A tense, single location drama about a militia trying to find the traitor in their midst.
Local Guy @Localguy123 860d
I’d recommend Perfect Blue by Satoshi Kon #slashtag
I think @jeffcannata would enjoy “Sprung” on Freevee (Amazon Prime). It’s a Greg Garcia comedy about a bunch of ex-cons who form a makeshift family during the time of COVID. I think it’s hilarious and even better…it’s only 30 min per episode! #slashtag
Tyler Appleby @ApplebyTyler 861d
#slashtag you all must see AFTERSUN, the debut film from Charlotte Wells starring Paul Mescal. My favourite film of the year, and in limited release currently. No film this year has affected me as much as this one - give it a shot! @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky
samwai @samwai 861d
Hi Jeff, if you haven't seen "Stories We Tell" by Sarah Polley, please have a look. You will probably like it. Veemo is good guys. Thanks Dave and Devindra 👌✌️👍 #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 861d
Ep. 694 - Decision To Leave… via @Audioboom #slashtag
The Sutter Cane Mutiny @TwinPeaksLodger 861d
It's #November 1st. If you want the spooky season to last a little longer, I recommend November (2017) Dir: Rainer Sarnet. A gorgeously filmed and evocative folk tale. #slashtag
@davechensky did you know that on Netflix there is season 3 of the original Fox show The Mole. That season was a Celebrity Mole— it’s absolutely insane. (P.s. thanks for telling me about the mole. It’s consumed basically the last 10+ hours of my life). #slashtag
Thomas Laine @ThomasLaine11 862d
#slashtag I'm willing to put my credibility as a Filmcast listener on the line in recommending All Quiet on the Western Front to you @jeffcannata. If you liked 1917 you will be floored by this movie. An all-time war movie in my opinion.
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 863d
A solid, creepy horror movie. I wouldn't have ever seen this without this recommendation! #Slashtag @thefilmcastpod…
Tasha Robinseason of the Wiiiitch @TashaRobinson 863d
First saw the deeply rattling Indian horror movie TUMBBAD at @fantasticfest in 2018, but didn't have time to write about it. Absolutely delighted to learn it's on Amazon, which gave me an excuse to recommend it and write about why it's so memorable:…
serge federico @aldagor 863d
#slashtag dear ⁦@jeffcannata⁩, there is a universe where Gl. Swanson found a wannabe star and his composer/gay lover ready to write for her comeback (no, her return) to stardom the first musical of #sunsetboulevard, check Boulevard! A Hollywood story…
Tim Chaten @iPadProsPodcast 863d
@thefilmcastpod #slashtag Let the Right One In on Showtime! Was delighted one of my favorite stories/films is being retold as a 10 episode series - does a great job expanding and building on that awesome story with awesome characters you care about - highly recommended!
Chris King @cK1NG513 864d
@jeffcannata how about trying Rat in the Kitchen on TBS as an alternative to @davechensky The Mole suggestion. You find out who the saboteur is at the end of each episode #slashtag
Ferrari King @FerarriKing 864d
#Nightmareonelmstreet Sorry about the bad audio. #horror #slasher #slashtag #FreddyKrueger Freddy Krueger has a lot of fun with his victims. You can tell he enjoys his job. #Halloween
Sean Persaud @SeanPersaudMD 865d
@davechensky @Devindra trying to regain @jeffcannata’s trust in the #slashtag - Headless is a 10 episode modern comedic update on Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod & the Horseman are roommates, there’s whimsy, mystery & some on point Halloween vibes #headlessseries
Bling Queen @theblingqueenpj 865d
Rocking my @ShopBadDahlia Blood Moon lashes on my Spade shoot last week! Look for me in an episode of #slashtag this week on @DFLICKS1 page on @tiktok_us can’t wait to see it! #HappyHalloween #movies #gravers #iamdarkstone #Vampire
Chris Hansen @Prof_Hansen 866d
Hey @jeffcannata - this is a #slashtag, which I’ve avoided doing because I’m reluctant to be self-serving. But I made a movie that I think you’d like based on what you’ve described liking. And at least it’s free on Amazon Prime.…
Chris Hansen @Prof_Hansen 866d
And why did I feel like doing this after listening to you rip apart a #slashtag suggestion on @thefilmcastpod? I can’t explain that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sandeep @tcsandeep 866d
Shantaram on @AppleTVPlus is excellent. Charlie Hunnam is actually very good in this one. #slashtag
Mario Alba @MarioAlba78 866d
@jeffcannata Since you like Chloe Moretz and movies that could be plays/people sitting talking, you might like Shadow in the Cloud on Hulu. It mostly is all that. Burning my social capital on this! #slashtag ❤️
Brandon Rich @BrandonRich 866d
#slashtag for those with kids who need an another amazing Australian show besides Bluey, try the Inbestigators on Netflix. It’s a grade school mystery-of-the-week with a cast of truly hilarious kid actors. Shame there are so few episodes, but what’s there is great.
Oisín Boyce @OhBee08 867d
Hopefully After-Midnight-gate hasn't damaged #slashtag too much, I think you guys would really enjoy Extraordinary Attorney Woo, it's just a lovely, feel good, Korean legal drama that gave me all the feels
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 867d
#slashtag to where is this # function migrating if the Twitter purchase closes on Friday? @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata Tribel’s EULA has some terrible provisions. CounterSocial?
Michael Indeglio @mikeyi99 867d
@davechensky @jeffcannata You seem to be thirsting for more of a deep dive into the world of conducting. You MUST check out the #PBS Great Performances Documentary #TheConductor a deep dive into Marin Alsop- first female conductor of a major symphony. #slashtag
J𝐨𝐡и Sт𝐞мрl𝐞™ 🥑 @carver76 868d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Follows a Chinese delivery guy as he tries to earn enough in one day to pay off a debt. The second film directed by Sean Baker, came out on Criterion disc recently. Shot in documentary style. Great film! #Slashtag
TeenWolfBlitzer @HyperApathy 868d
. @jeffcannata since you have 7 days of #shudder I think you should check out Deadstream. If you liked Barbarian, Evil Dead, or Drag me to Hell, I think you’ll like this. Very funny and not too scary. Fun fast horror. #slashtag
Jeremy Kraus @jeremykraus 868d
@jeffcannata We need to win you back with #slashtag Your limerick for @mberlin21 was brilliant... Jeremy says he's drawing a blank For anytime he needs to thank You for your good tastes So I don't think I'll waste My time seeking out Uncle Frank But watch it. You won't be sad.
whateverthefuckever @areeferhankerin 868d
Performance (Nicolas Roeg, 1970) - crazy drug-fuelled personality crisis with James Fox and Mick Jagger. 84 Charlie MoPic (Patrick Sheane Duncan, 1989) - Vietnam war drama meets Blair Witch #slashtag
Words Fail Me @MountainMike99 868d
@jeffcannata Know what you're going through. In the 1980's when my girlfriend cheated on me with...well everybody listening to this song 847 times in a row helped.… #slashtag wouldn't lie to you.
I re-downloaded Twitter just to post this. A Town Called Panic is my favorite film I've seen this year. Its a stop-motion French film about three roommates, a cowboy, an indian, and a horse, who get caught up in a rabbit trail of chaotic rediculousness. (Pt. 1)#slashtag
The movie is so fun and stupid, as well as hilarious. It's hard to find, but I'm pretty sure it's streaming on a service called Ovid and I think someone uploaded it to YouTube, though it could be taken down by now. I cannot beg you guys enough to watch this movie. #slashtag
Steven Paul ⚡️ @IStevenPaul 868d
@jeffcannata I still feel this is a 💎 for you. #slashtag…
Steven Paul ⚡️ @IStevenPaul 2941d
@jeffcannata have you had a chance to see SLASH yet?
Steven Paul ⚡️ @IStevenPaul 868d
@jeffcannata it's been a 6 year journey 😄😁 #slashtag…
Steven Paul ⚡️ @IStevenPaul 868d
@jeffcannata I mean... it was right here for you. #slashtag you will legit like this 😆😆…
Steven Paul ⚡️ @IStevenPaul 1671d
So the #slashtag from me this week it the film "SLASH" @slashthemovie an amazing movie about questioning and slash fiction. It's available to watch on @PrimeVideo for FREE (with Prime) @Slashfilmcast @jeffcannata @Devindra
Smothered 'n Covered in Blood Horror Podcast @bloodyhashbrown 868d
As a decade-long listener to @thefilmcastpod (and bc I suck at promoting) I'm using the #slashtag in hopes I can generate some more listeners. We're a horror anthology podcast with every ep related to the South. (1/x)
Luke Watkins @cyborygmos 868d
@jeffcannata If you're looking for your faith in #slashtag to be restored: The Humans. A24 movie, currently on Showtime and VOD. To raise the stakes: If you don't love this movie, I vow to increase my @thefilmcastpod Patreon sub to Money Horse for the next 6 months. A win-win!
Universal Century Dennis @ichnob 867d
@thefilmcastpod Behind on listening as I saw Black Adam last night, so I'm only at the pre-review banter. But if @jeffcannata needs something else for his Shudder free trial, has he seen Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue? If not... #slashtag
Pappy C @PappyCmoney 869d
#slashtag I recommend the documentary "Accepted" which you can see on Apple VOD for $4.99. Great documentary about a school in Louisiana known for its viral videos of its kids getting into elite colleges. Takes turns you won't expect unless you know the story. @jeffcannata
Steven @Scigrex 870d
Clerks 3 was an amazing movie that is a great meditation on friendship and making art. Not sure the Filmcast view on Clerks, but I feel strongly that you guys will love it. Please watch it as soon as you can. #slashtag. @jeffcannata, @Devindra, and, @davechensky.
Stephen Hereford @scootman 870d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky Check out the new AMC show INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE. Sure one of you have read the book/watched the film. And get an extended 30 day free trial of AMC+ when you use the promo code “interviewpod.” Got that from the official podcast. #slashtag
Leslie Cserepy @LeslieCserepy 870d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky Hear me out......Terrifier 2. #slashtag
Daanish Die Ed ☠️ @_DaanishSyed 871d
@jeffcannata @spicer @Latienie the Rock filmography discussion is mostly true but highy tainted by the fact that you haven’t seen any of his good movies! Jumanji movies! very fun and very popular. The RUNDOWN! I submit that should be your next #slashtag movie
The Sutter Caine Mutiny @TwinPeaksLodger 871d
You know what's a good #horror movie? I Am Not a Serial Killer (2016) Dir: Billy O'Brien. A film that really benefits from knowing nothing going in. The "moment" and you'll know it when it happens had my jaw on the floor. Saw it 5 yrs ago and I still think about it. #slashtag
🎃🎃🎃 midnight markramsey ™ 🎃🎃🎃 @markramsey 872d
🎃🎃🎃 midnight markramsey ™ 🎃🎃🎃 @markramsey 872d
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 872d
@Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky #slashtag hans zimmer: Hollywood legend on the bbc is outstanding!! Also “the music of 007” on prime is great!!!
William A. Morrison @haleekwahmo 872d
#slashtag @jeffcannata have you ever seen the movie The Man from Earth? Based off your love of play-like movies and high concept science fiction I think you may find it interesting. I highly recommend. Smart people in a single location debating a fun science fiction topic.
Kenny Johnson @goon_docs 873d
@jeffcannata I think you'd really enjoy "High School" on Freevee. It's set in the 90s. It's about Tegan and Sara, so there's lots of good music. It's also a perfectly nice 25 minute per episode. #slashtag
Kenny Johnson @goon_docs 867d
@jeffcannata @jeffcannata Maybe you should have listened to me instead. But now I'm worried you'll hate it and call me out on the podcast. :-) #slashtag
Jason L. Voorhees @JasonLVoorhees 879d
ME: Hey AI.. mix me with a T-Rex. AI: On it. Ok. Here’s some nightmare fuel. #AIJasonLVoorhees #stalkward #slashtag
AbiTin @AbiTin1907 874d
#slashtag “Snabba Cash” is a Swedish Netflix Original series. A young ambitious is sucked into a seedy crime world in Stockholm. If like “The Wire” and “Gomorra.” Guys, please watch this highly addictive hidden gem! You won’t regret it! #SnabbaCash