PerryReviewsLife @ReviewsPerry 1402d
#slashtag Four Good Days, amazing acting. Leaves you on the edge of your seat.
Gaming Theater Presents @TheaterGaming 1402d
Gaming Theater Presents part 30 of the Chrono Trigger episodes. The battle against Slash, enjoy! #chronotrigger #parody #slashtag @CODactivisionWZ @tools_by_ezio @StreamingPromos @StreamersRT1 @BlazedRTs @rtsmallstreams @Streamer_Boost
kohfeldtoutofcontext @WayneSchlegel38 1402d
Did you guys watch „Years and Years“? Otherwise I strongly recommend it! #slashtag
anomoly @anomoly 1403d
#slashtag #greenlandmovie is one of the worst I’ve seen in a while. They tried… they really did.
@jeffcannata if you want a funny and fun, fantasy #Slashtag series I recommend #JourneyQuest…
Conor Bresnan @ConorBresnan1 1403d
I strongly recommend all the Oscar International feature nominees. They're getting particularly good at choosing them. But they left off "Night of the Kings" which takes up "City of God's" mantel in a unique way. Stunningly shot and acted. VOD. #slashtag
Ezequiel Gutierrez @ezgoo 1403d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky Not sure if you’ve all had the opportunity to see this intimate doc about a Macedonian bee keeper from 2019, but “Honeyland” is more than worth your time. 89 quick minutes. Incredible subject matter. it’s on Hulu & it floored me #slashtag
Sacha Greif @SachaGreif 1403d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky have you guys watched The Show About The Show yet? It’s really incredible!! #slashtag
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1404d
#slashtag Girls5eva on @peacockTV is hilarious! Every Paula Pell line is🥇! @slashfilmcast @Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky
JohnPunchRadio @JohnPunchRadio1 1404d
"Four Good Days" #slashtag Good movie with some amazing moments and performances. Mila Kunis can act? Mila Kunis can act.
Best Rap Videos™ @BestRapVids 1405d
@jeffcannata Been nearly 5 years (!) since show based on your fav comic book came out, and you still haven't seen? Get on that now, you'll love it! Punisher is on Hulu. Prayers to your fam in this trying time. #slashtag @davechensky @Devindra
There's No I in Threesome (HBO Max) Wow! What a film, thanks for reco @slashfilmcast. @jeffcannata especially would LOVE this, @davechensky and @Devindra too. Twist is wild. Good compliment to "Couples Therapy" need not be into polyamory to enjoy this, just watch it!! #slashtag
There No I in Threesome would *literally* make for a great After Dark episode too. @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra #slashtag
@jeffcannata now that you've seen Line of Duty, time to end the now FIVE YEAR quest for you to watch the show based on your favorite comic book of all time. Preacher on Hulu. #slashtag @davechensky @Devindra
Douglas Davenport @TheDouggernaut 1405d
@slashfilmcast @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky If you like shows like Nathan for You, I think you'll love Nirvanna the Band the Show. it does such an excellent job of blurring the line between scripted scenes and segments with real people. #slashtag
Bruce Michael @BruceMichael_Jr 1406d
#slashtag Sexify (Netflix)
Dennis de Jesus @zoomturtle 1406d
Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal. The first season is on HBO Max. #slashtag
#slashtag Hey Jeff, you should check out the movie "Clara". It's a sci-fi drama featuring the best Bob Dylan song in a prominent role. You would love it.
Darren Doll @Darren_Doll 1407d
#slashtag Peaky Blinders. Have you guys watched it? @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra Don't remember hearing you talk about it, and it's a really cool show.
Michael Berlin @mberlin21 1407d
@jeffcannata I'm been knocked off, but I'm getting back on the horse! PLEASE give Uncle Frank on Amazon Prime a chance! #slashtag
Michael Berlin @mberlin21 1407d
If you like Sicario, check out ZeroZeroZero on Amazon Prime. #slashtag
Michael Berlin @mberlin21 1407d
@jeffcannata I too banged the drum for Line of Duty. I haven't seen the final season, but keep watching! The seasons get better and better. Blows Bosch out of the water. #slashtag
Josh Noftz @JoshNoftz 1407d
#slashtag specifically @jeffcannata Check out this awesome Marvel fan film. It’s really fun and fits surprisingly well in the MCU (as much as an Indy filmmaker can)
Steven Paul @IStevenPaul 1407d
Shawn the cabbie did it. Why can't we #slashtag... I mean for goodness sakes @jeffcannata the movie is called SLASH @slashthemovie Watch SLASH on Amazon Prime 🧙‍♀️🦸‍♂️
Brandon (Defund, Abolish, Rejuvenate Community) @brandonltenney 1407d
This is for the #slashtag. @davechensky to Sean, The Cabbie’s Line of Duty rec:
Sean Fitzpatrick @shfitz007 1408d
I can’t wait to see @davechensky & @Devindra reactions to this video on the @slashfilmcast I’d recommend it to @jeffcannata as a #slashtag but it contains trailers for a bunch of Marvel movies. Watch it through the first half Jeff !!!
Jon Shanahan 🦉 @JonShanny 1409d
#slashtag for the children - Stillwater on AppleTV+. Has no right being as good as it is. Soundtrack by Kishi Bashi. Don’t recall @jeffcannata or @Devindra talking about it yet. 5/5
get a vaccine @ladydontmind 1409d
@jeffcannata I'm behind on slashfilmcast episodes and just heard your rec of Infinity Baby ♾️🚼 and watched it. What a strange (and luckily short) movie. Apparently the director is an asshole. I enjoyed the film though, I liked that it kept surprising me. #slashtag
The Mitchells vs the machines might be one of my favorite comedies in recent years, and instantly a top 5 animated movie of all time for me. An absolute must watch #slashtag
I just watched Triangle based on @davechensky and @Devindra’s recommendation on @slashfilmcast and it’s such an intelligent thriller—I loved it. #slashtag
So true. Omg. Mood. Fühl ich. #Käse #Leben #4km/h #Slashtag…
Leopold Purkart @purkartl 1411d
Das Leben ist wie eine Scheibe Käse, sie liegt nur da auf einem Laib Brot ohne Aussicht auf Gratin oder Parmesan.
Celine Brown @celiniezucchini 1412d
I recently enjoyed The Kid Detective, a film I haven't heard much buzz about. #slashtag
Matthew Chachula @Chachzilla 1412d
There is a new Mythic Quest special, this time the team celebrates returning to the office. The episode has some fun surprises including some high profile voiceover work. It’s a great stand alone episode and makes me pumped for season two in a week or so. #slashtag
Jonathan Sale @JonathanSale 1412d
Hey guys. My son and I just finished “Avatar the Last Airbender” and “Legend of Korra” and loved them. What should we watch next along those lines? Thanks! Do the thing. #Slashtag @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata @slashfilmcast
DR Gator 🐊 WEAR A DAMN MASK!!! @ATSPodcast 1413d
#slashtag Together Together in theaters now but I think it’s on PVOD in 2 weeks
#slashtag Not sure if you guys mentioned this on the show or not (sorry, my memory sucks) but Your Honor on Showtime is really enjoyable. Limited series starring Brian Cranston and Michael Stuhlbarg. Has some similarities to Breaking Bad. Worth watching.
Guitar solo of: Sweet child o'mine Hope you like it ☺️ #slashtag #Slash #sweetchildomine #GunsNRoses #acousticguitar #guitarsolo
thaboytoner @thaboytoner 1416d
#slashtag Frank of Ireland. A delightfully odd Irish comedy written by starring Domhnall & Brian Gleeson. Available to stream on Prime Video. Definitely worth a watch.
Odyssey Dave @dave_odyssey 1416d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra Rutherford Falls on @peacockTV, from the minds of @KenTremendous and @edhelms, et al, tackles the legacy of colonialism & other topics unlikely to be top of mind for a comedy. Full of heart, with a great cast #slashtag
Nick Varley @NickVarley 1416d
Thank you @davechensky for recommending Back. This show has me in stitches! I loved Peep Show but didn't even know about Back until you mentioned it. #slashtag
Pascal Hartig @passy 1416d
@slashfilmcast Tiny World on Apple TV+ sounds like your standard nature docu but the way they use modern film technology to capture their footage plus the sound design makes it something else. #slashtag
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1416d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra penultimate episode of line of duty tonight gonna be at least 15 million people watching!!! I will keep going for as long as it takes 😁 #slashtag line of duty...
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1416d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata It’s not a new series, but if none of you haven’t seen it, I have to recommend Crazy Ex-Girlfriend currently on Netflix. It’s funny, has great songs, memorable characters, and a lot of heart. I’m enjoying immensely and you may too #slashtag
David Esposito @Daveesposito 1417d
Seaspiracy #slashtag
#slashtag Stowaway on Netflix because it’s maddening
Chris Kreie @ckreie 1417d
I'm very, very picky with my viewing. Very difficult to please. Lately have watched some excellent stuff. EXTERMINATE ALL THE BRUTES on HBO. Difficult and excellent. KIM'S CONVENIENCE on Netflix CALL MY AGENT on Netflix #slashtag
Devin Hauenstein @HowDevin 1417d
Warrior gets a Season 3! I’d like to thank my #slashtag family for making this happen. You know who you are. Also check out Kate Winslet’s new HBO show if you’re willing to give one more detective drama a chance, she’s really really good. I hope Hollywood gives her a chance.
Eddie Bowen 💙 @enbowen 1418d
#slashtag “The Brainwashing of My Dad”. Have a family member driven stark raving mad by right wing media? You’re not alone. Available on Tubi. @jeffcannata
Aaditya Bhattacharya @aadityabhatta4 1418d
#slashtag Please check out Zero Zero Zero , it might be bit intense.