#slashtag @BillandTed3 comes out this Friday on VOD...need to hear your review !
If you're in the mood for a dense, low-key but intense French espionage series (and you have the Sundance channel), check out The Bureau (Le Bureau Des Legendes). It's like le Carré, but a little more pulpy. Give it a couple eps. You'll either tap out or get hooked #slashtag
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝗛𝕖𝕝𝕝 @scentedmeat 1661d
Just took a chance on the @Rose_Matafeo comedy special on HBO Max. It was great. So, so good! #slashtag
Mark Wampler @SaintMark5 1661d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag Happy Happy Joy Joy | Host | Never Look Away | The Assistant | La Jetee | Radioactive Veteran (sorry, shameless plug)
Rob Howard @robhoward79 1661d
Not sure it's been mentioned before, but Jennifer Kent's latest, the nightingale is absolutely superb. It's a story of racism revenge and ultraviolence set in early colonial Australia. #slashtag
david mcgrath @mcgruff315 1661d
#slashtag Watch "Bluey" on Disneyplus. From Australia. Best kids show of all time. We're SUPER picky about what we let our 2&4 year olds watch but we watch it as a family and love every minute of it. Give it a try.
JakeWesorick @JakeWesorick 1662d
#slashtag Magic Camp on Disney+. Wholesome family movie.
Walter Samuel @theWsamuel 1662d
The first 11 minutes of #HostilePlanet Season 1 Episode 1. One of the most riveting action films of the last decade. #slashtag
Dianae Of the Night @Dianae173 1662d
Yellowstone is a modern Western nighttime soap opera on Paramont Channel that’s my guilty pleasure. Think Dallas with JR as a strawberry blonde ball busting chick. Dark yet corny. Kevin Costner stars as gravel voiced patriarch. #Montana #slashtag
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata NOROI: A criminally underrated Japanese found footage horror film. There's a shot from the final scene that's just... Well, you'll see. Available on Shudder. #slashtag
Joel Scanlan @BerenTW 1662d
First movie in a cinema since March 11th. Longest run without a movie in 20+ years. Pure cinematic visuals, impure dialogue.. #slashtag @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra pic.twitter.com/m0f7L8vCUG
So, Tigers Are Not Afraid was a wonderful, little seen gem from 2019 that I would highly recommend. It's heavy and dark but also beautiful. Reminds me a bit of Guillermo del Toro. #slashtag
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1662d
#slashtag @slashfilmcast "John Was Trying to Contact Aliens" on Netflix. A very nice 16 minutes documentary.
Nathan M Baker @Wild_Bookworm 1663d
Kipo and the wonder beasts! Post-apocalyptic zany mutants + psychedelic 70s style animation + epic eclectic soundtrack + great character development. Yes it's aimed at tweens but watching it with my kids had me in stitches. Also love the way it handles representation. #slashtag
Brent w Peterson @iBrentwPeterson 1663d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky #slashtag Ted Lasso on AppleTV+ is a wonderfully upbeat and positive comedy that I needed and couldn’t stop watching! Hope to hear your thoughts
John Camacho 🇹🇹 @jcamachott 1663d
#slashtag Haven't heard you guys talk about Condor. Two seasons out. 24-like, so @jeffcannata would not like.
Mark Balas @MarkBalas 1663d
@slashfilmcast Find 16 minutes in your weekend to see the lovely Netflix Documentary short John Was Trying to Contact Aliens. #slashtag
Mark Balas @MarkBalas 1663d
It’s not only nice to see such a well made and humane film, the movie also features a lot of cool vintage tech footage. #slashtag
Ryan Laskodi @RyanLaskodi 1663d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra High Score on Netflix. A new documentary on the history of video games. Clunky at times but it’s fun and the interviews and subjects are cool. Theres some cool art direction as well.Also, it’s narrated by the voice of Mario #SlashTag
Jakysan @jakysan 1663d
@RyanLaskodi @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra I just finished it. Enjoyed the hell out of it. Learned a lot. Also amazing seeing and listening to video game visionaries of days past. Double recommendation here #slashtag
Brandon Rich @BrandonRich 1659d
@RyanLaskodi @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra Seconded — it was a fantastic nostalgia trip, filled with great archival footage and interesting tidbits I didn’t know. The goofy bits didn’t put me off the way they did Jeff. #slashtag
tylerPerkins @tylerperkins 1663d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra In honor of Steve Bannons recent arrest I cannot recommend Errol Morris’ AMERICAN DHARMA (2018). It’s Morris interviewing him about his methodology and how he sees the shaping of American future. #slashtag
Elie Nassar @ewnassar 1663d
#slashtag specifically for @jeffcannata Jack Whitehall Travels with Dad show. Light and fun and travel.
The Bureau (French tv series) #slashtag
#slashtag - @davechensky if you liked Frayed, check out Rosehaven. Another touching Aussie comedy. I think it's on Prime in the US - amazon.com/Rosehaven/dp/B…
Ryan Polly @ryan_polly 1664d
Alright @slashfilmcast. I've got a recommendation that will break your heart and then put it back together bigger than it was before. A beautiful doc directed by my friend @JROBproductions called MY BROTHER JORDAN. It's free on Youtube and Vimeo. #slashtag youtube.com/watch?v=ryEq5Y…
Ryan Polly @ryan_polly 1664d
Justin took 600+ hrs of home video and 100+ interviews to document the life/death of his brother and best friend. A beautiful story found in the mundane. Not to mention masterful structure. You guys won't find a more powerful doc this year. @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag
Ramah Sakul @RealRamah 1665d
The night comes for us #slashtag
Tyler Appleby @ApplebyTyler 1665d
#slashtag Crip Camp on Netflix! The best documentary I have seen in a very very long time. Also insanely inspiring. Also boasts 100% on RT. @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra @slashfilmcast
Muatt'Dib @xfloormattx 1665d
Reverse #slashtag: Grand Designs on Netflix, a brilliant rec by @jeffcannata!
Hugh Johnson @daddiopatio 1665d
The Night Manager on Amazon Prime. Scratches the travel itch plus Tom Huddleston & Hugh Laurie #slashtag
Jonathan Lyons BLM @StupixAnimation 1665d
#slashtag @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky I think you guys already talked about Tampopo. Because of that, I recommend "Midnight Diner" on Netflix.
Gotta great #slashtag for @slashfilmcast fans! Streaming free on @Tubi. pic.twitter.com/kR4JRsAasA
Garrypl @garrypl 1665d
A couple of #slashtag ‘s for the .@slashfilmcast crew Into Eternity- Available on Kanopy I think. Doc on How to construct a warning that must last 100K years to keep people away from underground nuclear waste, What will language be like then? Also the 7 Up documentary series....
Garrypl @garrypl 1665d
Available on Brit Box or to buy on Prime I think. They’ve been revisiting the same set of Brits every 7 years since they were 7 in the 1960’s. Profound experience to watch how their lives turned out #slashtag
Hey @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata - Have you guys seen A Dark Song (2016)? Feel like it might tick a box for each of you: Self-contained, smart, a focus on procedure, terrifying, nods to faith. Anyway, I loved it and would be great to hear your thoughts #slashtag
Euan McGrath @EuanMcGrath 1665d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra #slashtag If you haven’t already, definitely check out the audio docu-drama @Blockbuster_Pod ! It’s a must-listen experience for any film fans... Season 2 on James Cameron just finished. podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/blo…
John Edmondson @BasicJohn 1665d
"High Score" a documentary series on Netflix: Traces the history of classic video games, featuring insights from the innovators who brought these worlds and characters to life. #slashtag 👍👍
usna98 @usna98 1665d
I don’t know if this is available outside of @Shudder, but you guys need to check out the best horror movie of the summer, #Host. #slashtag
#slashtag Dave Made a Maze This movie was crazy creative! Never seen anything like it in my life… Wildly creative! Creative creative creative! LOL Check it out #davemadeamaze
Andy Breivik @IMustMusic 1665d
Jeff Cannata, I just came across Dark Side of the Ring on Hulu. Some well-told dark stories from the Golden Age of wrestling, with interviews from industry veterans. First ep. about Macho Man and Elizabeth. I'm hooked. Six hour-long episodes. #slashtag
Duncan Stripp @DuncanStripp 1665d
Curious, as if was on in the UK months ago , what the @slashfilmcast guys thought of #gangsoflondon #slashtag
Brian McFall @briansaidthis 1665d
My weekly/daily plea for @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra to watch #SchittsCreek. Guaranteed at least one of you will love it and thank me. #slashtag
Julian Martin @JMartinAuthor1 1665d
Another reminder that War and Peace is the biggest movie of all time and makes Gone with the Wind look like a kitchen sink drama. Streaming on Criterion! youtu.be/3DqanxfecIA #slashtag #Criterion
kelmk @kelmk 1666d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag Grand Designs Australia is quite good as well. Check it out.
David Esposito @Daveesposito 1666d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag Queer Eye is so uplifting and fun to watch.
Dan Gvozden @dangvozden 1666d
For @slashfilmcast and #slashtag, I'm suggesting THE EXQUISITE CORPSE PROJECT. It's a documentary/narrative about friends, w/ @RaphaelBW & @adamconover, who take turns producing a script with only the 5 previous pages to go by. It's an absolute favorite! youtu.be/LJBUQKvGZ0o
Alex (...ineffable...) Ludwig @celexo 1666d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra #slashtag if you wanna get super organized with your hashtag, you can use an IFTTT script to dump all the tweets into a google spreadsheet. pic.twitter.com/EnevIlr02Z
Dave/Devindra/Jeff - thoughts on a low budget movie which I’ve watched a few times and enjoyed - “The Man From Earth” #slashtag
Ian D. Holmes @idholmes 1666d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Sincerely, thank you so much for this week's #SlashfilmCast. Dave's "You M'Fer" had me in stitches. All around just great. #SlashTag on #DoomPatrol. Funny as hell (one scene had my wife come in the room cause I laughed so loud) & heartfelt too.
Graham Carr @GraCarr 1666d
@slashfilmcast @jeffcannata - just catching up on the Filmcast and Jeff watched my recommendation of #granddesigns #slashtag I am over the moon, really very happy indeed. Also grand designs is the best.
Melissa Knightes @elfkin24 1666d
@jeffcannata Based on the Grand Designs episode you loved, recommend you check out Win the Wilderness on Netflix. And also always Schitts Creek. #slashtag
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1666d
@Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky I’m sure I can’t remember you chaps talking about this show.. on season 3 of 5 rewatching “line of duty” on the bbc you have to see this show!!!!! #slashtag