Steven Krimmel @Steven_Krimmel 1623d
Shudder also has "The Orphanage" quality top-shelf, best-of-the-best quality horror! Check out Guatemala’s La Llorona (this isn’t last year’s The Curse of La Llorona) and Mexico’s Tigers are Not Afraid #slashtag
David Sillén @DavidSillen 1623d
I heard #slashtag could somehow be added as a widget in iOS? Anyone?
Mad Dog Movies @mikeboas 1623d
#slashtag Suggestion for @slashfilmcast : Enola Holmes. So fun in so many ways! Feels like a Young Sherlock Holmes for a new generation.
Andy Nagai @anagai 1624d
The history of time travel on amazon prime video. Fictional documentary. Makes you wonder at the end. #slashtag
Bryan Fiema @bfiema 1624d
@slashfilmcast Check out Roof Culture Asia - it’s a parkour documentary with a sense of adventure and amazing feats of athleticism that will make your stomach drop. #slashtag
joshpomer @joshpomer 1624d
What’s happening? Pat Curren throwing down some legendary lines. #surfing #surf #slashtag
Max Finkel @maxfinkel 1624d
#slashtag @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata yall im just throwing it out there that Cinema Paradiso is so heartwarming and emotional, one of the greatest films ive ever seen, and newly relevant to the times. Also Dave, the directors cut is 3+ hours 😜
David Epp @Soroyama 1624d
The fans of the /Filmcast podcast are the clear winners of the summer movie wager, as y’all didn’t compete. 😜 😂 So, as punishment, you should watch the 1982 Barry Bostwick action thriller “Megaforce” and review it on the next podcast. #slashtag
Mark Heng🇮🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧🎨🎸 @MarkHengArtist 1624d
The 1970 version of "The Railway Children" Especially for those of you (Jeff) who don't need sick, depressing, cynical movies right now!… @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag
folarin @folarin 1625d
The Comey Rule is pretty engaging. Watching behind the scenes of what we followed on the news is interesting and I hate to say, entertaining #slashtag
Brad Haney @Brad_H 1626d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag You have to check out Raised by Wolves on HBO Max. This is one of the best Sci-fi TV shows ever made. It flew under my radar but I watched an episode and it blew me away. If you’ve ever liked Ridley Scott you need to check this out.
Anthony Bautista-Ramil @cahiny 1626d
I just watched 'Imitation of Life' (1959) and I'm honestly shocked that this isn't a more well-known classic. I think it's better than 'Sunset Boulevard' and 'Casablanca' and it deals with still-relevant issues in ways more progressive than many modern movies! #slashtag
david mcgrath @mcgruff315 1626d
#slashtag My Octopus Teacher on netflix. Read the description and just watch it.
#slashtag Jeff , one for the kids “Adventures of Paddington” it’s on Nick Jr in the uk Stay safe man
Enola Holmes is the antidote to Devil all the time @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata #slashtag
hysum ismail @thehysum 1626d
I am on a quest to watch happy things and Zoeys Extraordinary Playlist (on Hulu/Peacock) is delightful. It's breezy, colorful and charming and will leave you with a smile on your face. Watch it with your significant other. #slashtag
Jeff Cannata @jeffcannata 1627d
I used to think we were headed for civil war after Nov. I’m starting to suspect that American apathy will prevail as it always seems to. Sure there will be marching. Sure there will be twitter memes. But ultimately, the dude won’t leave office and it will somehow be normalized.
Words Fail Me @MountainMike99 1627d
@jeffcannata Google Gaddafi and steel pipe. If Trump loses and doesn't leave he will be suffer same fate. In less gory news. Just submitted my first #slashtag 🤡
teddycheese~ @melodiac_ 1627d
Can someone tell me the meaning of most of the slashtags? Cuz i get confused For example- /j and /lh #slashtag (hashtagging cuz im really confused)
Law Girl S. 🐶🐶🐶 @ElliotIsTopDog 1628d
Anti police shit has to stop. I am sitting in the ER w/the most important person in my life, also a LEO, who was on duty & hit in the face by a fucker that threw a bottle out of their car, as they yelled anti police crap. Should I be happy it was only a bottle?
@ElliotIsTopDog I’m so sorry. I am married to a cop and have 3 sons on the job. Me, I want to give back to the rioter community. Fun stuff to come. #slashtag 🤞🏻
Josh Noftz @JoshNoftz 1628d
Big City Greens, @jeffcannata !! #slashtag you’ll love it! And your kids might, too. On disney+
Mauricio Piña @mauriciopina 1629d
@davechensky @Devindra going to agree with @jeffcannata here and fuck this shit. Like seriously. Fuck this. Other than that, good movie. #slashtag #TheDevilAllTheTime
Alex Tremel @SenorATL 1629d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra I feel like you've maybe mentioned it in the past because I know you all liked Chef, but Series 4 of The Chef Show just went up on Netflix and it's so chill. Just some excellent, vibey food porn. #slashtag
Trash BandaRuth GaTa Sandyburg @AlexSanch 1629d
To Tell The Truth (ABC— I think) #slashtag
tim bieber @passinpeachpits 1629d
Glory Daze with Ben Affleck, streaming on CBS all access, is 5 stars for me. Mostly from nostalgia and the punk rock soundtrack. Cameos from Matthew McConaughey and Matt Damon. Has anyone else seen this college comedy? #slashtag
Matthew Evan Balz @MatthewEvanBalz 1629d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra #slashtag Strongly recommend Benh Zeitlin's WENDY as my favorite film of 2020 so far; more emotionally-resonant fantasy and stunning landscapes from director of BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD; rent on YouTube/Apple/Amazon
Eric Page @ericmpage 1629d
#slashtag @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra Don't watch #Alive for the next episode. It was OK but if you want a horror comedy watch One Cut of the Dead. It's seriously masterpiece about the pleasures (and horrors) of filmmaking. And don't make the mistake of turning it off...
Kevin Mullaney @ircmullaney 1629d
@jeffcannata #slashtag If you only have time for one episode, watch episode 3! Season 1 | Grand Designs UK… via @YouTube
elton @eptiger 1629d
@slashfilmcast please watch Gook - amazing movie very timely for the present day and I think Dave would appreciate it for the awesome actors and acting #slashtag
Kenny Johnson @dodgingcars 1629d
So which one of you guys didn't want to review Enola Holmes? @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata #slashtag
Michael Zhang @mzhangclan 1629d
#slashtag I know you guys are all in the mood for more dark, depressing stories so I wanna recommend Lu Chuan’s 2009 historical war movie City of Life and Death. A far better Chinese war movie than Mulan
Kris Gagolgurry @Gagolgurry 1628d
@mzhangclan #slashtag City of Life and Death is a great recommendation. I actually think it’s among the best war films I’ve seen and deserves far more attention. Perhaps if it came out today, it would receive more coverage and wider distribution.
Michael Berlin @mberlin21 1630d
BBC's Line of Duty and ZeroZeroZero. Both on Amazon Prime. #slashtag
Todd Linnear @Todd_0ne 1630d
#slashtag @jeffcannata HBOs ‘in treatment’ should be right up Jeff’s alley.
Gabriel Fua @gabeprime 1630d
#slashtag Glitch Techs is an awesome cartoon on Netflix about gamer teens who battle & catch video game glitches come to life in the real world. Lots of video game refs. Funny & fun. @jeffcannata
Peter Hart @nozick687 1630d
@davechensky #slashtag Dave, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the 1993 Mike Leigh film "Naked." David Thewlis gives his best performance in this movie, and it's filled with timely themes. This film has an almost apocalyptic urgency that couldn't be more suited to this moment.
Cand Grab @CandGrab 1631d
#slashtag I'm surprised you guys have basically blanked on 'The Social Dilemma'. I think with the backgrounds you guys each have this is essential viewing @slashfilmcast @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata - worthy of an in-depth review IMHO.
michelle greenidge @Mimi_Greenidge 1631d
Just found out about the hashtag so here’s my contribution Beast (2018) BE SAFE EVERYONE @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag
David Esposito @Daveesposito 1631d
Craig Michael Patrick @craigpatrick 1631d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra So … a film for our time: Arrival (2016) by the amazing Denis Villeneuve. Poignant, powerful, humanistic science fiction that reminds the viewer that amazing concepts must be wrapped in human drama. Can’t wait for Dune. #slashtag
David Chen @davechensky 1631d
For those of you considering watching THE SOCIAL DILEMMA on Netflix, I'd recommend this video instead. Provides the same sentiment and info at a fraction of the length.…
Rachel Wenitsky @RachelWenitsky 1631d
A former tech employee in a documentary about why social media is bad (social media is bad)
@davechensky Have you gotten to watch THE GREAT HACK? The @netflix documentary about Cambridge Analytica. I think it does a good job at explaining the consequences of social media in politics. Curious to hear your thoughts about it. #slashtag
Colin Moriarty @notaxation 1631d
We're all in agreement that there is only one type of English Muffin, and that it's Thomas', right? Surely in this time of political turmoil and social unrest, we can at least agree that it's Thomas' English Muffins or bust, 100% of the time.
Jeff Cannata @jeffcannata 1631d
@notaxation Sure, but are you Team Nook or Team Cranny?
action_figure_nerd @BooG38200271 1631d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra Well, I’m 1-for-1 on recommendations, so I’m doubling down on trippy sci-fi. Take a look at Blood Machines on @Shudder. Will take less than an hour of your time, just make sure you watch it on your good tv. #slashtag
Brian McFall @briansaidthis 1631d
Saw this when I opened up Twitter and got excited that @jeffcannata posted about #SchittsCreek. Then I was sad. #slashtag
Steven Paul @Steven_Paul 1631d
For the #slashtag this week I was really feeling @slashthemovie SLASH 😄 I think the @slashfilm @slashfilmcast folks would love it. Especially @jeffcannata Give is a watch FREE with @amazon PRIME 💠
Lino Rodriguez, Jr. @linothejr 1631d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra Where is the site you guys were referring to on the show? Link, please. :) #slashtag
Creighton Duke @wounded_kite 1631d
#slashtag ALONE (2020, make sure it’s the one directed by John Hyams). Wellll worth the rental price and possibly even a full review. Will definitely scratch Jeff’s “Die Hard in a...” itch. Hyams in general is a ridiculously under-appreciated filmmaker.
Ratmandu82 @KCK582 1632d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky Can we watch something a little more upbeat next week? #slashtag
Adam Russell @BlackPlastic 1632d
@slashfilmcast pretty sure @jeffcannata would love the Long Way Up on Apple TV. Getting to hang out with friends as they have an adventure in the world? Everything I miss right now! #slashtag