#slashtag it's a podcast, but I think you guys will really like it. The Anthropocene Reviewed.
Elie Nassar @ewnassar 1389d
"What Happened Was..." by Tom Noonan on @criterionchannl is a gem of a movie/play. @Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata think if My Dinner with Andre was a very long awekward date. Highly recommended for the 'i like to watch people talk' crowd #slashtag
Tullasmom @tullasmom 1389d
I'm sure we are late to this, Crip Camp was amazing. #slashtag
PRESIDENT OF THE MOON🚬 @party_garbage 1389d
Ian O'Toole @ianotooletweets 1390d
@Devindra after hearing you mention Junji Ito in relation to Spiral, curious if you've seen the 2000 adaptation of Uzumaki, and if you're excited for the new animated adaptation: youtube.com/watch?v=uWF6UB… #slashtag pic.twitter.com/3lx3YFORXZ
Sky Dragon @pwlmkco 1390d
#slashtag @_ThePaperTigers , 3 middle aged washed out Kung Fu guys seek justice for their murdered master. Talented Asian director, great script , 1+hours of kick ass fun,100% RT score sadly will go completely unnoticed by mainstream.
@jeffcannata and @davechensky were right. Hacks is awesome. #slashtag
DjDiddle_ @DjDiddle_ 1391d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky topic for an after dark convo: passing gas at a theater. Do you leave the theater and crop dust the entire lobby and go back to the movie or just let it go in your seat, damning everyone around you? #slashtag asking for a friend
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky #slashtag Red Moon Tide (2020) atmospheric & ghostly - interested to hear what you think of a movie like this
Rohit Iyer @byrohitiyer 1391d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra I want to draw your attention to a Marathi film on @netflix called @TheDiscipleFilm . It’s a really interesting exploration of an artist’s struggle, directed by Chaitanya Tamhane and exec produced by Alfonso Cuaron. #slashtag
Ian Monroe 🚰 @eean 1391d
watching Philly DA on the PBS app, it's just great TV. The challenges faced by Larry Krasner are applicable to any sort of institutional change I think. #slashtag
Daanish Syed @_DaanishSyed 1392d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Re: Coaxing Cannata, has Jeff ever been coaxed??? Because I REALLY think Jeff should circle back and watch Shin Godzilla which is amazing and give the update on the next episode when you coax him to watch St. Maud #slashtag
Are you guys watching For All Mankind? The first season was good but a bit slow. But holy shit the 2nd Season is no joke and getting very interesting. #slashtag @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata
Kyle Ewers @KyleEwersMusic 1393d
Camp Cretaceous on Netflix! Do it you won’t regret it. There’s a lot of charm the last few films dropped the ball on. #slashtag #slash #slashfilm
garyburleigh @garyburleigh 1393d
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1394d
You guys should be watching Mare of Easttown starring Kate Winslet. #MareofEasttownHBO #SlashTag @slashfilmcast
Curtiss Prickett @bcfanboy 1394d
@jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra #slashtag I’m surprised you guys have not talked about the Paramount+ show Clarice. While it a show derived from a big franchise I feel it’s on a Hannibal level of production. You guys should give it a look! By ep 5-6 it really shows it’s DNA!
Curtiss Prickett @bcfanboy 1394d
Also episode 8 is holy shit moment for this series! Like I mentioned before the cinematography is Hannibal level but this is where the story really takes off! #slashtag
Mahesh K @MaheshNYCTO 1395d
#slashtag new show recommendation - Hacks on HBO MAX
DB1142 @Dave4221 1395d
Awesome is certainly the best word to describe Roseanne Liang's recent film Shadow in the Clouds. The film is stuffed full of scenes that are absolutely thrilling. And it's accurate too to say that this thrill-a-minute adventure is constantly bringing the fun. #slashtag pic.twitter.com/srjV5nyhQ2
Nicholas Ewers @NicholasEwers 1395d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag I know I keep suggesting this show, but David and Jeff really need to check it out. It’s one of the best shows on Amazon Prime Video right now. pic.twitter.com/b3rLdm6Juo
Laércio Lira @thelirath 1396d
A galera acha que eh fácil fazer um solo de guitarra ... quando vc compõe... canta... tem q fazer a base de guitarra. Pra isso ser o Slash pra gravar só que da treta trazer ele. #slash #slashtag @Slash
Josh Unwin @joshunwin 1397d
@jeffcannata If you can find it, I think you'll enjoy the West Suffolk 2019 episode of Grand Designs. #slashtag
@davechensky you should checkout Beartown on HBO. Another gray depressing limited series, but its really good. #slashtag
Andy Breivik @IMustMusic 1397d
Love Death and and Robots season 2 : Snow is the only ep I've seen so far. Some of the most incredible CG I have ever seen. And only 18 minutes! #slashtag
Heron Millen @ladydontmind 1397d
#slashtag pro tip, subscribe to AMC+ to get Shudder included
Elie Nassar @ewnassar 1397d
@Devindra Escape from Dannemora is available on @PrimeVideo. At least it was a few months ago. Excellent show #slashtag
Elie Nassar @ewnassar 1397d
#slashtag Defending Jacob on Apple TV is very good. @jeffcannata @Devindra and I think the ending might be right up @davechensky ally.
Nathan Austin @NathanAustin5 1398d
#slashtag On a recent show it was lamented Escape at Dannemora was on Showtime only. It actually was added to Prime Video some time ago. I agree it's one of the best limited series of the past few years, highly recommended.
Nathan Austin @NathanAustin5 1398d
#slashtag The slow burn horror film Saint Maud was just added to Prime Video & Hulu. One of the better films to incorporate religious themes with horror IMO. Very well acted and unsettling.
Stephen Elphick @Stevalino 1398d
Can't get you out of my head. A dream-like recap trailer for the long running TV show "human history of the late 20th century". It includes all the WTF moments you really should have seen. It sounds dry but is utterly mesmorising and incredible in its scope. #slashtag
Stephen Elphick @Stevalino 1398d
Thank you whoever recommended Wayne. Hugely entertaining Bonnie and Clyde story, whose heart is only equalled by its absurd comic book hyper-violence. #slashtag
#slashtag @jeffcannata @Devindra guys watch The Year The Earth Changed on AppleTV . See how last year help the earth and animals live on.
@slashfilmcast a great #slashtag recommendation for y'all if you're interested in horror is Saint Maud, the A24 horror film from Rose Glass that was swallowed up by the pandemic, but is now available on Prime/Hulu
@slashfilmcast your enjoyment of it may depend on how much you like A24 horror films in general, but I thought it was excellent and it has one of the most shocking endings I've seen all year. give it a look! #slashtag
Anthony Antell @ardilessect 1398d
Just watched Stray, a documentary about the protected street dogs in Istanbul & their relationship to the environment and community around them. Beautiful, moving & insightful #slashtag #stray pic.twitter.com/x4dtIFXKGV
Dan Ransom @dannil 1398d
"Shadow in the Cloud" on Hulu is a crazy, anachronistic Twilight Zone meets Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow thriller. It just keeps escalating. The last 5 minutes are some of the most bat s@*t I've ever seen put to film. I literally said out load, "What is even?" #slashtag
Force Five Podcast @forcefivepod 1399d
#slashtag my monthly reminder for @jeffcannata, @davechensky and @Devindra to watch the film Yellow Rose. I think it'll strike a sweet chord with all of you!
Walter Weit @WalterWeit 1399d
Have you ever heard of the film MIRACLE MILE from 1988 before? I have not until today, but after seeing it right now I can say: WHAT A MASTERPIECE. A feverish apocalyptic (literally) night in Los Angeles, supported by the great soundtrack of Tangerine Dream. WOW. #slashtag
I wonder if my favorite cinephile wordsmith @jeffcannata will grace us with some poetry today #NationalLimerickDay #slashtag 👾
sean the cabbie @northolt3103 1399d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky 😂 another mention this week loving it! #slashtag seanthecabbie 😀🇬🇧
Eric Lallana @ArtHouseNow64 1400d
Big Fan OF British shows including Line of Duty. Watched 5 seasons and await the North American premiere of Season 6 next week (05/18) "exclusively" on the streaming service Britbox. @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata #slashtag
Olympic Douche @thehighton 1400d
@slashfilmcast @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky I reckon you’d get a kick out of Boss Level. Seems to be doing something similar to this year’s Free Guy, but with Frank Grillo shirtless and a ton of gore. #slashtag
VictimFilmOffical @FilmVictim 1400d
watch the TV spot for the upcoming film VICTIM youtube.com/watch?v=PyEwRw… #horror #slashtag #victims
Jacob Martinez, LPC @actnaturallypls 1401d
The Simpsons episode The Road to Cincinnati from this season (32x08) is Simpsons at it's absolute best. #slashtag
Ivan Kander @IvanKander 1401d
#slashtag I'd recommend Joe Pera Talks with You now that it's on HBO Max. Episodes are only 10 minutes long. And, it's setting and tone are just very different than most comedies today. Watch the episode "Joe Pera Takes You To Breakfast" to get a good feel for the show's vibe.
@davechensky #slashtag Based on Dave's description, KID DETECTIVE (2020) sounds like it was lifted from MYSTERY TEAM (2009), made by Donald Glover's old comedy troupe about three high schoolers who have not grown out of their adolescent detective agency. youtube.com/watch?v=m1CM1x…
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1401d
Having finished the season this weekend, I reiterate this #slashtag. This show is great! twitter.com/SJYeocero/stat…
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 1404d
#slashtag Girls5eva on @peacockTV is hilarious! Every Paula Pell line is🥇! @slashfilmcast @Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky
Max Power @MichaelRPower 1401d
#JupitersLegacy is like if Superman actually existed in 1930s this is what the world would be like. 3 episodes in and really enjoying it. It’s also based off the work of my favourite writer Mark Millar. #Slashtag
Aaron Miller @aamiller78 1402d
@slashfilmcast @davechensky You guys should definitely talk about "There Is No “I” in Threesome", as it touches on interesting aspects of documentary film making that I'm sure you would enjoy discussing. #slashtag