Aaron @bpa48 780d
#slashtag for @jeffcannata - as a thoughtful parent, you might like (emphasis on might) enjoy Instant Family on Paramount+. Story of couple who take in foster kids, and touches on emotional challenges w/ comedic touch. Loosely based on screenwriters personal experience.
J. P. Gagen @jpegfilms 782d
@jeffcannata not the right use of #slashtag BUT you said on this weeks ep you wanna read so I HIGHLY recommend Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. About 2 friends over the course of their life who play and make video games together. Love it and bet you will too
Brian Stevens @brianstevenskp 782d
Finally getting around to listening to the @Slashfilmcast top 10 of 2022 and @jeffcannata I too have Vengeance in my top 10! kultofpop.com/top-10-films-o… #slashtag
Ryan Michaels @ColonelFKassad 784d
@jeffcannata @Devindra not sure if ‘The English’ is on your radar, but it’s a beautifully shot western that is nice and short at 6 episodes on Amazon Prime. #slashtag
Mzerma Amine aka @mzermarts /@1foSEC / @ pleins ;) @MzermaAmine 784d
en résume, de quoi ça parle ?? Tiens, lis ça, tu auras un rapide aperçu de la "PB matique"... francecorruption.fr/2022/07/18/le-… #SlashTag : #IMMOBILIARE !
go hang a salami, im a lasagna hog @MattGrippi 786d
@Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky Just stumbled upon “Paul T. Goldman” on Peacock, and you guys need to be watching this thing. I don’t even know how to explain it. The Rehearsal meets The Show About the Show meets… idk Borat? #SlashTag
Andrew Campbell @Anrcampbell 786d
Highly recommend you check out CLOSE, one of the top films of 2022. You may an A24 screener or can catch the limited theatrical release 1/27. Haven’t heard it on the podcast yet and I’m certain you’ll be moved by this one. #slashtag
r🥴b @robcordero 787d
@thefilmcastpod would love to know what y’all think of the new film Skinamarink once it debuts on Shudder, especially Dave—it’s bound to be a divisive film but those are the best imo :-) #slashtag
The Sutter Cane Mutiny @TwinPeaksLodger 794d
Last night, I watched Hit The Road (2021) Dir: Panah Panahi. A family of 4 and their dog take a tender, funny, and revealing road trip through the Iranian country side. An absolute delight I highly recommend. @jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky #slashtag pic.twitter.com/l8xC8IUYp3
Steven Paul 🌵 @IStevenPaul 796d
Here's my top 10 for 2022 + honorable mention in #ONEPIECE film Red #slashtag pic.twitter.com/VaUUF0lCRY
David Chen - Please Subscribe to My Newsletter @davechensky 796d
Ep. 703 - The Top 10 Films of 2022 audioboom.com/posts/8224606-… via Audioboom #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 796d
Ep. 703 - The Top 10 Films of 2022 audioboom.com/posts/8224606-… via @Audioboom #slashtag
Joshua Booker @RuffReader 797d
The best short film of 2022: boxd.it/3Cap8P #slashtag
Joshua Booker @RuffReader 797d
My ★★★★ review of Wildcat (2022) on @letterboxd: boxd.it/3E9UzX #slashtag
Joshua Booker @RuffReader 797d
My ★★★★ review of Awake (2021) on @letterboxd: boxd.it/3CYAnL #slashtag
Nicolas Van de Sijpe @NicVdSijpe 797d
@jeffcannata Could be wrong but seem to recall you like single location movies. The Guilty (2018 original, not the remake) is one of the most tense I've seen. You might enjoy it but does contain material that might be especially upsetting to someone with young children. #slashtag
@Seattle_JC @Seattle_JC 798d
#Slashtag Strange Days (1995) is available for streaming on HBO Max, pass it on.
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 798d
@Devindra I think you mentioned #SlowHorses on @thefilmcastpod in a positive light. If that's the case, you were right on! I jammed through Seasons 1 & 2 the last couple of days and it's really good! #Slashtag
Daniel Shaw 萧加恒🍥 @DanboShaw 802d
Has nobody on @thefilmcastpod seen the Emily Blunt miniseries, The English? Truly a sign of there being Too Many Shows. The male lead, Chaske Spencer, is true leading man material. The show has flaws but haunted me for days afterward. #slashtag
Steve Yeocero ⚖️ 🐒 @SJYeocero 803d
#Slashtag (is this still a thing?) "The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil," a fun gangster, crime thriller with the always magnetic Ma Dong-seok aka Don Lee. Won't change your life, but quite enjoyable & it should get a The Departed style remake. @thefilmcastpod @Devindra @jeffcannata
Henry Monmouth @henry_monmouth 804d
#slashtag The English on Amazon prime
Danny @danc4498 805d
@thefilmcastpod #slashtag @jeffcannata I would love for somebody to watch Adult Swim's Yule Log. It is comedy horror, and oddly fantastic. Somebody please validate my opinion!
David Chen - Please Subscribe to My Newsletter @davechensky 805d
Ep. 702 - Babylon audioboom.com/posts/8221463-… via Audioboom #slashtag
Alex Singh @BottomShelfBG 809d
@slashfilm Have you seen or talked about Pachinko on the show? It feels like it's been overlooked this year and is wonderful. Many of the episodes were also directed by Kogonada. It follows a Korean over multiple generations and available on Apple TV+ #slashtag
Jakkrapan Wandee @Jakklazz 811d
Slash yourself to the next tag #slashtag #bitkit pic.twitter.com/TLKZZ4HBDl
Just go to HBO Max and turn on the Adult Swim Yule Log. #slashtag
David Chen - Please Subscribe to My Newsletter @davechensky 812d
Ep. 701 - Bones and All audioboom.com/posts/8217696-… via Audioboom #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 812d
Mitch Punpayuk @TheMitchipedia 813d
@thefilmcastpod You all should most definitely watch #InsideMan on Netflix if you haven't already. Phenomenal work from Tucci and Tennant. #SlashTag pic.twitter.com/3G5GjXpsbD
Saunaa @Ssaauunnaa 813d
@jeffcannata Dunno if you've checked in with @GothamChess recently, but his recent vid INSANE FINAL MATCH is peak form. #slashtag
David Chen - Please Subscribe to My Newsletter @davechensky 817d
Ep. 700 - Avatar: The Way of Water audioboom.com/posts/8214728-… via Audioboom #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 817d
Ep. 700 - Avatar: The Way of Water audioboom.com/posts/8214728-… via @Audioboom #slashtag
#slashtag Watch The Bear on Hulu. Great show about some broken dysfunctional people working in a restaurant and figuring it out.
Luke Watkins @cyborygmos 818d
Hey @thefilmcastpod I don't understand why the TV commentariat isn't talking about the most recent episode of @BobsBurgersFOX, "The Plight Before Christmas". It's weirdly one of the best episodes of TV to come out this year. Consider this a #slashtag recommendation.
Retweeting this just for @jeffcannata #slashtag @davechensky @Devindra @slashfilm first time I see. Unobtainium was in the movie The Core. #Avatar2 twitter.com/JLplays78/stat…
The 1st use of unobtainium that I can find 2003 The Core , I found this so funny cuz of @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra and the hole Avatar thing #slashtag pic.twitter.com/9meQg3dmZV
@jeffcannata make this year the one where you watch 8 Bit Christmas, it’s great! #slashtag
David Chen - Please Subscribe to My Newsletter @davechensky 826d
Ep. 699 - Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery audioboom.com/posts/8208538-… via Audioboom #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 826d
Ep. 699 - Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery audioboom.com/posts/8208538-… via @Audioboom #slashtag
Aaron @bpa48 826d
For Jeff: as someone who enjoys competency porn, recommending The Alpinist, a 2020 doc (Netflix) that follows mountain climber Marc-André Leclerc. Watching him climb is oddly very calming as he seems to just “vibe” with a mountain. It’s great to see his mastery at work #slashtag
Just finished #Farha and can’t stop crying. A beautiful, heartbreaking and incredibly important film about the Nakba. It’s available to stream on Netflix. Please watch and share! #FreePalestine #Slashtag pic.twitter.com/8FiJx4ah5B
Steven @Scigrex 829d
This holiday season you should really watch 8 bit Christmas on HBO MAX. I think it would be right up your alley. It is a great movie with great late 80's vibes. I strongly recommend it. #slashtag @jeffcannata, @Devindra and @davechensky.
The Sutter Cane Mutiny @TwinPeaksLodger 832d
I watched Vengeance (2022) Dir: B. J. Novak last night. A hybrid comedy/noir/mystery that like it's protagonist has a restless energy and tries to do many things. Some ideas and elements are executed better than others but over all an interesting directing debut. #slashtag pic.twitter.com/QZSYqeO3B9
Paul Forte @PaulForte 833d
Calling it now, Thirteen Lives wins Best Picture #slashtag
The Filmcast @thefilmcastpod 833d
@thefilmcastpod @Audioboom After Gangs of London check out Lost Bullet on Netflix. There’s’ also a Lost Bullet 2. #slashtag
Ian Birnbaum is in The Hague @ianbirnbaum 833d
@jeffcannata, have you checked out Ghosts yet? It seems like the light half-hour ensemble comedy that you're always looking for to watch with the Mrs. Lots of man-out-of-time jokes and a great cast #slashtag
Ian Birnbaum is in The Hague @ianbirnbaum 833d
I meant to add, this is the US remake of the British TV series. I like both but I like the US version even more. Two seasons on Paramount+ #slashtag
Cocaine Bear @cocainebear 834d
Hemlock and Honeycomb @HemlockHoneycmb 834d
#slashtag @jeffcannata You should be watching Young Rock on Peacock. It's very funny, with lots of great stories about early WWF with wrestlers hanging around. From the very witty Nahnatchka Khan.
Money Maker 2023 @NFTLever 835d
If you want to increase your twitter, Instagram and Facebook post with the real audience then it is the best place. 👉bit.ly/3EI8MMt #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #marketing #OnlineMarketing pic.twitter.com/Cke48K5oRM