Nicholas Ewers @NicholasEwers 1553d
@slashfilmcast #slashtag I’m not sure if you guys have watched Undone on Amazon Prime, but I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s one of the most incredible and beautiful show I’ve seen in years. And it’s very short. @jeffcannata @davechensky @Devindra
Shawn ODell @dozenththread 1553d
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra @slashfilmcast If anyone is in the mood for a new holiday movie, might I recommend Fatman. Will likely keep this one in my rotation in the coming years. #slashtag
giraffes barely sleep @ladydontmind 1553d
check out Beanpole (streaming on Kanopy, which i get through my library). #slashtag Russian movie about two friends working in a hospital. I say little so as not to spoil
Jenna B @jennoid11 1553d
Lego Star Wars Holiday Special on Disney+ is a very good time if you want something light and funny. Lots of Star Wars spoilers if @jeffcannata is still worried about his kiddos. #slashtag
#slashtag @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata , I know Devindra already mentioned it but GANGS OF LONDON (AMC & Prime) is top shelf! Also Sound of Metal on Prime (Riz Ahmed & Olivia Cooke) is a shoe-in come awards time.
Anthony Alfano @Z_alfano 1554d
While I wish I appreciated Mank as much as @jeffcannata, I was wayyyyy more in the @davechensky boat. I thought it was unfocused and overstuffed, but brilliantly shot and acted. #slashtag
Seth Lewis @sethelewis 1554d
@slashfilmcast I'd be interested in an (After Dark) review of Dave Franco's The Rental. #slashtag
Can’t wait to hear the brutal takedown of TENET, what a sloppy film. Glad I didn’t go to a theater just like my #slashtag boys
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝗛𝕖𝕝𝕝 @scentedmeat 1554d
#slashtag Listen to @CHAPOTRAPHOUSE episode on Avatar and discuss. Changed my mind about the movie. #jeffwasright
David Epp @Soroyama 1554d
@jeffcannata Given that you really liked “Schitt’s Creek” and “Letterkenny”, may I suggest you give “Corner Gas” a try. It’s another great Canadian comedy series. #slashtag
Global Citizen @thten 1554d
The Capture on Peacock streaming is very good in my opinion.#slashtag
detroit_librarian @craftabrarian 1555d
#slashtag The Flight Attendant on HBO Max...and those opening credits!
Josh Christensen @TheManticore28 1555d
@davechensky @jeffcannata Have you considered dedicating a whole Slashfilm episode to the Small Axe films when it's all available? I know @Devindra mentioned them in passing, but at the rate they're going they will end up taking up half of my top 10 of 2020. #slashtag
Ting(汀) is @ Wear your mask and B L M @TingTut 1555d
#slashtag I nominate Jiu Jitsu for an After Dark review. It was a fun, turn-off-your-brain sci-fi martial arts movie. @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata
#slashtag Murder on Middle Beach. Holy shit. What an incredibly well crafted doc by someone so young at the center of a homicide case.
Daniel Horton @danielrhorton 1556d
I am shocked with how good The Night Before was. How did I miss this movie a few years ago? Totally a new annual Christmas tradition in our household! #slashtag
Benji Black @TepidSharkTake2 1556d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata A great companion piece to #Mank is The Battle Over Citizen Kane from PBS's American Experience. One of the best documentaries about a film ever made. Don't know where to stream it but it comes with the Kane Blu-Ray. #slashtag
Brian Whitmarsh @BrianWonderful 1556d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Gonna throw a #slashtag out for "Marvel616" on Disney+. Well done docu-series; each ep is a different topic and style, so it can be a bit uneven, but a nice look at creators and the creative process.
KaleBurp @KaleBurp 1556d
#slashtag Cardinal on Hulu is so good. Won the Canadian like Emmy for best drama. Crime mystery cop show that is really addicting I think @Devindra @jeffcannata @davechensky would all dig it
AsiansOnYouTube @AsiansOnYouTube 1557d
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Dash and Lily on Netflix is a fun and whimsical Christmas romcom, if you're in the mood for that! #slashtag
Ian Jack McGibbon @mcgibbon_jack 1557d
The Sound Of Metal. It has an insanely good performance by Ruiz Ahmed #slashtag
Jude Melling @JCMelon 1557d
Spontaneous #slashtag made in 2019, released in 2020, strangely prophetic teen ‘comedy?’
𝙍𝙖𝙍𝙖𝙍𝙖𝙢𝙨𝙖𝙮 @RaRaRamsay 1557d
So #slashtag'd this a few times, I dont know where you have to go to stream this (I'm non US based) but you owe it to yourselves to see @gangs_of_london episode 5 !!! The whole series is what it is.. but episode 5 💣💥🔥 @davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra @slashfilmcast
Geoff Engelstein @gengelstein 1557d
@jeffcannata @Devindra @davechensky Black Bear is really well done and intriguing, and Aubrey Plaza is terrific. Need to hear your spoiler thoughts on this one! #slashtag
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag Cold in July -an underappreciated gem from 2014 starring a mulleted Michael C Hall, a swaggering Don Johnson and a menacing Sam Shepard. A twisting, genre shifting 80’s synth thriller that shifts a gear at the end. Great midweek flick
Michael Indeglio @mikeyi99 1558d
@jeffcannata thank you as well as #slashtag for The Flight Attendant. Perfect cozy up mystery binge. Amazing casting across the board also.
Marlon Wallace @marlonwallace 1558d
#slashtag If you didn't like RUN on Hulu or even if you did, try THE PARAMEDIC on Netflix. It's a similar premise, but I think done better. @davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata
@davechensky @Devindra @jeffcannata Not sure if this one is on your radar, but THE WOLF OF SNOW HOLLOW is a really good horror comedy, AND it features a final performance from Robert Forster. #slashtag
Preacher Season 1 #slashtag
Grant Sundin @wrytangle 1559d
'Babyteeth' just won a kajillion awards at the AACTA's this week (Oz Oscars - kind of). It's the best thing I've seen Ben Mendelsohn do, and Eliza Scanlen is incredible. My favourite film of 2020. #slashtag
George Vlahos @bigvsoy 1559d
#slashtag 1981’s “Victory”, the forgotten John Huston film, part Great Escape, part Ted Lasso, with Sylvester Stallone’s full charisma shining through (and Michael Caine’s too).
Gaz Brooks @G4ZATRON 1560d
@Devindra @davechensky @Devindra Catching up with AFTER DARK Re Time Travel. I would implore you all to check out the Dr Who episode BLINK (David Tennant Dr) Even if you have no interest in that show, that episode is terryfing / brilliant. #slashtag
Czargantuate/GGG Allin @vowelmovement 1560d
Colour Out of Space #slashtag
#slashtag Inspired from your time travel talk - The Call is a Korean thriller released just last Friday on Netflix. It was supposed to be out in Korean theaters in March but got a worldwide Netflix release instead. It has a lot of fun time travel ideas and is a fun thriller!
johnlansford @johnlansford 1560d
@jeffcannata Here's one for the #slashtag: "I Love You, Now Die" on HBO Max-- A 2 part (hour long) documentary about an absolutely insane, legislation defining, case of teenage "love". I really hope to hear you and the slashfilm boys talk about it, because it's N U T S.
@davechensky @jeffcannata @Devindra #slashtag I'd be doing y'all a disservice if I didn't bring up Joe Pera Talks with You (both seasons on HBO Max, 12 minute episodes). Quirky observation of HTW John Wilson + wide-eyed optimism of Ted Lasso, and a plot arc I didn't see coming 💙
Jason8720 @Jason87201 1561d
#slashtag 'Tree Man' is a doc about people who sell Xmas trees on the NYC streets. It's a testament to the value of every person and the community that happens when people understand, or at least believe in, their value and support one another. Kindness is everywhere you look.
Words Fail Me @MountainMike99 1561d
#slashtag "If anything happens I love you" on Netflix is 12 minutes long and will leave you in tears and thinking about it for a long, long time. Beautifully sad and poignant.
Ivan Kander @IvanKander 1561d
@Devindra @davechensky @jeffcannata #slashtag Feel like you all might dig WAYNE which was picked up by Amazon after YouTube Premium went bust. It's got "End of the F-cking World" vibes, but is just original enough to stand on its own. It's gory, yet also quite sweet.
Thor Goodrich @artbythor 1562d
#slashtag Ghosts, a delightful comedy series with fresh take on ghost haunts. 2 seasons on @hbomax. Haven’t seen S2 yet, but S1 is terrific.
Ting(汀) is @ Wear your mask and B L M @TingTut 1562d
Stefan Feist @stefanfeist 1563d
So, #slashfilmcast, you're talking about time travel movies and don't even bother to mention the mother of all time travel shows, #darknetflix? Really? #slashtag
✨Mimada✨ @Dudasz88074322 1563d
Mais um domingo em casa dando orgulho pra minha mãe✨ #slashtag #Mae #orgulhodemae